Early Access version 120

Better question is, why don’t armored chickens drop food

Only if you knew the amount of time that would take.

You’re like “There’s nothing wrong with it.” Well you’re wrong, because I play the game with an account, and it’s gone, I have to link my account again, also my options were reset. (Also I didn’t update the game when this happened) Bug? Something with the server?

Happened to me too. but i think its cloud related? (steam asked me to choose between game files or the cloud and i chose the current files)

Can we have it so theres a 100% sell-rate (for the said item) when you buy something and dont exit the shop in case theres an accidental purchase?

Dr Beaker already has one… I guess I can make Klaus wear it, too.

If by “witch clothes” you mean “recolour the shirt from white to black”, then yes, this is already done. And the flasks now contain blood*

* This, together with other Halloween changes, are problematic because they potentially raise the game’s age certification. It’s not an issue this year, but I could get into trouble with one of the app stores next year, so enjoy it while you can.

It already is.

That’s probably too much work.

As much as I’d like to implement everyone’s suggestions, the truth is that Halloween is not a major holiday and the time I have available for the re-skin is very limited (new update is coming probably on Friday). I’ve already broken the rule of “no code changes, only texture changes” for this edition.

Fixed in v.121 :medal_sports: Bug

Uh-oh… Chillers is the correct behaviour… Toxics are wrong, though. It’s complicated to explain why, but the end result is that if you kill a Toxic with an ICBM (direct hit, not AoE), then you can see the toxic cloud, but it is in fact harmless. Try it. Fixed in v.121 :medal_sports: Bug

Fixed in v.121 :medal_sports: Bug

This is the “lost profiles” bug back from Early Access version 36 . This has never been fully fixed (just improved because I now keep a backup copy – but in rare bases both the original and the backup are bad)

Should have chosen then cloud. Files stored on the cloud are not susceptible to the “lost profiles” bug.

You mean accidental after clicking twice to confirm? :smirk: But seriously, it’s a good idea but not worth the effort (it’s vulnerable to cheating, and it can’t be easily secured).


You can make them less detailed than the henterprise. Still up to you.


I honestly click twice in light speed

After i watched a CI5 Halloween edition video, i see Crab 2.0 doesn’t have its Halloween skin.
So, will it have Halloween skin in CIU at next update?

Phoenix shouldn’t throw fireball even they’re outside of the screen :expressionless:

Okay, I know medal requirements were reduced before, but… not gonna lie, they’re still quite ridiculous.
They do not even require skill. The medals just make you need to play way more missions than necessary, and makes a pip artificially longer. Time that could have been better spent clearing actual waves and/or missions.

Heck, you could finish the “unique missions”, “specified mission type”, or whatever kind of mission task, and you can still not have the medals required by then. I’d rather complete 70 unique missions of a specified difficulty and mission type, than grind 900 wave medals by playing more missions than necessary.

So here is my suggestion: Reduce the amount of medals required even further (33% or 50%), but at the expense of increased unique mission requirements. (you need to have more unique missions cleared)

Alternatively, if increasing mission requirements seems just as dumb, don’t worry, that option’s the in the poll.

Speaking of which, here’s the poll.

Should the Medal Tasks have their requirements reduced? And, should Mission tasks have their requirements increased, to compensate?
  • Reduce medals required by 50%, and increase unique missions required by 50%.
  • Reduce medals required by 33%, and increase unique missions required by 50%.
  • Reduce medals required by 50%, and increase unique missions required by 25%.
  • Reduce medals required by 33%, and increase unique missions required by 25%.
  • Reduce medals required by 50%, but don’t increase unique mission requirements.
  • Reduce medals required by 33%, but don’t increase unique mission requirements.
  • None of the above (please state why, or an alternative)

0 voters

I get that quests are to be done gradually, possibly over weeks and months, but making medal tasks be the sole reason for these weeks and months? That’s not even difficult or skill based, that’s just making it artificially longer… At least Unique Missions encourages exploration, and playing something different, rather than the same mission over and over, or having to do more than you need.


fun idea: make budget constraint use a random player’s paintjob out of all players.
The selected spacecraft must be named

why? because image

  • Yes
  • Yes but only 50% chance
  • No

0 voters

include hardpoints?
  • Include them
  • Exclude them

0 voters

special thanks this Liam for the idea:


Suggested twice before and denied.


send source or “did I ask”

I did ask.


To IA Studios.

I made a topic where I collected info about using manually selected waves to make CIU episode DLCs which could also work offline. This could meet point 1 and 4 of your reply on “offline mode” topic
Here are poll results, I know 7 days is early, but it kinda died out. 29 is not so much on such a matter, but it was fluctuating near 90% anyway.
Chicken Invaders Universe episodes DLCs framework


There you are for who asked.


There’s more. How about change the Henperor into the dark skeleton?
Something like this:

I don’t understand what is the point of hiding information about waves and time (waves are already visible after each one). Therefore, I propose to hide the score, heating, acceleration, lives, power and number of special weapons. This will make the mission a bit more difficult. Food and keys do not have to be hidden.