Early Access version 119

Can’t it be changed? We reach the specified diffiuclty throughout the mission. or does it really require to be %xx from the very start?

It does.

Hey iA, I was wondering if you were planning to overhaul reactors at some point. If you don’t want to answer due to spoilers reasons that’s fine. I just thought that they’re a bit flawed, because getting an unupgraded proton proton will power everything, so hunting for its legendary variant is effectively useless.


Actually you have a fair point over this, but in fact, I think it should stay like that, Because legendary reactors aren’t common things to find, And players have to upgrade their stuff as soon as they get enough funds to prepare for harder encounters. If reactors should be nerfed, limiting their power would be a good (and probably the only) choice.

Also people could have ready legendary variants of items to set them on their new spacecrafts once they purchase them. They are not that useless.

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Hot enviornment missions obscure your vision a bit, can you change the description of this?

How does it really weakens vision? If you will be mentioning the Flame HUD thing as a reason, that doesn’t make sense.

If collecting a gift works like an atom, considering it gives the same weapon as the one you’re using, shouldn’t that be specified in the description of the following quest?:

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Actually, it simply says “collect atoms” and not “collect atom power-ups”

Atoms is in literally everywhere, so you should get Quadrillions of atoms if you hit an egg.



Game server will be moved in 15 minutes from now. This will result in a brief period of downtime (hopefully less than 5 minutes). If you’re disconnected, simply reconnect.

During the move, v.119.4 emergency patch will also be applied.


me seeing this after half way done on a long mission: well cluck me.
Guess I better finish that one, fast.

You won’t lose your mission progress. This is just a move, not an upgrade. Everything will be preserved.


does this mean 119.4

Yes, it does.


finally lieutenant

Very useful i guess


Game server is up, but multiplayer games don’t work.

Working on a fix.


Does the Medal of Great Appetite Achievement require a food limit of a wave? For example, a wave only drop some food and I ate all of them, I still don’t receive any medal.

Yes, you need at least 10 food to drop in a wave.



Multiplayer games should now work.

It’s only a temporary fix, so please report any issues.


Is the same mechanism applied to medal for coin collection?

Is shot accuracy tracked per shot or per projectile? Does shooting in wave transition count?

Since we have some quests related to medals now, I think there should be some kind of HUDs to track the stats like food/coin collection, kill ratio and shot accuracy during waves/missions. I don’t remember exactly who suggested it before.