Early Access version 119

But , maybe after the early access iA will release the android version of CIU .

Then it will last for about another 100 years. You can’t do everything in a row. It won’t work. You’ll only waste time. IA needs to clearly decide what needs to be done and what is not worth it, since a lot of time has already passed.

Many people noticed that the topic “Post you CI Videos and live streams v1 and V2” was even closed? Activity is almost gone. Now there are only old players left. There are very few newcomers. At least personally, I almost never meet them.

:gear: Windows: Updated libjpeg from v.6b to v.9e.
:gear: Linux: Updated libjpeg from v.9d to v.9e.
:gear: macOS: Updated libjpeg from v.8c to v.9e.
:gear: iOS: Updated libjpeg from v.8c to v.9e.

I have a question. What exactly is this changelog about? At first I just thought it’s about windows version because I think you’re not running CIU server on windows, but here we have macOS, iOS and even Linux that was discontinued?
(and I’m not asking about what is libjpeg because that’s clear)

Android is not updated libjpeg from version or not

I’m trying to keep controls down to an absolute minimum. Besides, touchscreens, gamepads, and even keyboards (see Key rollover - Wikipedia ) will struggle with this many keys.

I don’t know whether this FAQ was official or not, but even if it was, things have changed since then. There will definitely be at least an iOS version. If (and only if) it goes well, then an Android version. Also, the mobile version will come out while we’re still in EA, most likely within the next month or two. This is what I’ve been working on full-time for the past two weeks (and also 2 more months intermittently)

These are internal changes, they do not affect players. The need for the Windows version is obvious, the Linux version is for the game servers (which run on Ubuntu), the macOS version is required as a stepping stone to the iOS version, and the iOS version is for the upcoming iPhone release.

I do not currently maintain an Android version. This will be done (much) later, if at all.


OK, take your time IA :wink::ok_hand:


That is, it turns out that for a more convenient game, you cannot fire satellites on different buttons and this will never be implemented? It turns out the use of different satellites will be very inconvenient. Especially on difficult missions where tactics and the use of special weapons are important for maximum survivability?

keyboards have a limit on how many keys that can be registered when pressed at the same time, and touchscreen devices cannot have too many buttons on the screen, otherwise it’s just unfair disadvantage


Is it possible to check this constraint? I became interested.

By the way, is there an option (optional) to press the selected button quickly 2 times ((keyboard or mouse) (tap on a certain button on the screen) programmed by the player) to open fire with all satellites?

İA Can you update and repost this list?

He’s very busy and can’t tell you if he finished version update

So, relax and wait

How about the controllers where it has to shoot the satellites everything (depends if already collected it in an mission) which it’s at top it has the shoulder (lb, rb) between with analog triggers (lt,rt) which that it would players that it had the controllers on it easier, tho?

I didn’t understand what you were saying. I don’t have a joystick.

Another suggestion for IA:

Can you add the number of remaining units for each purchasable item in every store (Shady Dealers, Herowares, etc.) excluding the Galactic Store? Doing so, people would be able to see how many units are left for a specific item in a store, plus it would help players deciding how many to buy while leaving a certain number for other players to buy. After all, it’s always nice to leave some for others, rather than buying everything and therefore leaving nothing for others, right?


I don’t think that’s how it works.

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What are you implying?

I think the “out of stock” items are just randomly chosen every day, the stores don’t have a limited “storage” that players in the galaxy buy them from.


Until now, I’ve always thought it was because of players buying entire stocks. Might as well wait for IA’s answer, though.

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