Early Access version 119

Probability of replaced stage: Chicken Invasion (8/45), Feather Fields / Supernova / Comet Chase / Meteor Storm (8/45 each), Droid Raid (4/45), Boss Rush (1/45).

Due to a bug, I played Weekly Challenge (100 waves) and it doesn’t count anything towards the “fly 100 waves” quest (set 1).

Also, I played a 8%-26% mission and it did not count towards the progress of “complete mission difficulty 11%”, probably because the whole mission must be higher than the difficulty specified and I was confused.

Uh, so I had 2 tasks left: one to visit 23 Giant Gas planets and the other to collect a specific amount of food. I visited only 19 Giant Gas planets and played some mission and after I won a mission I found the game took me to the next goal as if I passed both tasks. I never left the planet that I’m at, so my guess is the game counted the food task only and ignored the other one.

I changed the colors of the rarity just out of boredom.
They look fine to me.
Could rarity levels have separate colors? (not counting the stamps next to the spacecraft in the shop)


Idk is this a bug or intended? And idk is this happening with any other waves?
So, look at my video here. Look at the second phase of “Cardinality of Four” wave in 2 different attempts

It seems like my idea is correct after all


It would be nice, if the quests could be checked mid-flight in the pause menu (maybe somewhere on the right side of the screen?) including the progress that you made this mission.

Also, perhaps the game should display what sort of mission you’re about to play (Easy, Intermediate, Hard, Very Hard or Elite), so that you know what sort of trophy you will get once you finish it.


Welcome back!


Well then, in my opinion, you could keep it strong against Sweater Chicken (would make sense since it’s normally strong against a Big Chicken) and probably leave it as it is normal against UCOs, but eh, it’s your choice of course.

That’s why higher quest milestones give you even more keys.

this medal requirement is ridiculous for something that appears so early

it’s going to require around 2 hours of farming squawk blocks and i don’t expect any new players to be able to do this so fast

unless this is a one time only thing


It’s normal to take at least one day for each set, plus new players will think a bit differently if they randomly complete them instead of actively going for them.

every prior set took less than an hour and it wasn’t as stupid as this

When I played darkness missions with any background in sun environment I saw the background is black as iA said .

Suggestion :So the suggestion is making the background dark red in Darkness missions in hot environment and making it dark cyan in Darkness Missions in ice environments .

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I would prefer darkness missions in planets very far from the sun than just in the ice planets

Why does “Partner Acrobatics” have 1 danger zone?

Fixed in v.119.3 (server-side) :medal_sports: Bug

Because on principle the enemies can come out of anywhere. If you’re observant enough to notice that they don’t actually appear from straight behind you, then more power to you. Besides, 3 danger zones looked odd.

Fixed in v.119.3 (server-side) :medal_sports: Bug

I don’t have icons that small. In any case, it’s a minor cosmetic change and I can’t address it right now.

Odd. It counts for me (even if the mission isn’t won)

Changed in v.120 :medal: Idea

Fixed in v.119.3 (server-side) :medal_sports: Bug

Please explain in words what the bug is. Is it that the enemies are facing sideways? That’s how the wave works.

Medal Credit shared

That’s not easy to do. And, as I said, not all quest goals are mission-related.

Changed in v.119.3 (server-side)

I don’t know, it might appear again. Goals are randomly generated, and I haven’t individually looked at all 405+ goals.

Because the other set comes from the top. You shouldn’t be at the top, anyway, that’s where most enemies appear from.


In 5 minutes the server will momentarily restart to apply 119.3 emergency patch. If you are disconnected, simply reconnect.

Update: Restart complete.


Please take a look on this.