Early Access version 118

Since i made this topic about add some possible bosses to DT, but iA denied me because of “hard work” and boss variations. Although i decided to skip The Henperor’s Apprentice, i still had something to say about The Apple Core after iA’s replying.

Anyways, i have just thought 2 new bosses which possible to add to Double Team. What’s those bosses? Join this poll here:

Which bosses you want to add to Double Team mission?
  • The Wobble Yolk (the yolk from “The Yolk Star™” boss)
  • “It’s Mother hen-ship!” boss (but it will be reduced its size)
  • Yes, both of two them
  • No, too hard
0 voters

Edit: “It’s mother hen-ship” boss will appear from the top edge of the screen just like other bosses, but it will be reduced its size, maybe its size will be as long as half the edge of the horizontal screen (or longer a little)
Also, i said the wobble yolk, not its eggship. So please don’t get wrong mind