Early Access version 117.2

Idea: Unpicked satellites should have a timer for when they disappear.

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You mean a visible timer? They already disappear after some time.

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Or add it to Countdown Insight instead.

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Oh, so @gmail.co is the one that’s not allowed, not @gmail.com. Okay, got it.


Can “Clean Sweep” Bonus be added to waves that have destructible barriers in them?

Since they are also considered enemies and can escape.

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Ig this was a rule in CI4.

Ah, reminds me with how all waves in CI3 have clean sweep bonus.

Is Anniversary mission supposed to have top-10 list when viewing it at Recents:

Also it’s not accurate to the original one because scores past 6 months expires:


Unnecessary idea taken randomly from the head:
Weapons that reach power 30 will become golden (why? … I don’t know)

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bringing back up this idea


Should the weapon name be displayed and worked before a wave starts in Weapon Training?

Let players preview any CHL required items in customization

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I’m surprised this idea didn’t get more votes than it currently is.
Spent quite a while balancing everything.
But oh well. Giving it another day of voting.

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you’d know what weapon it is if you were using it
besides, iirc weapon name is displayed before a wave starts


Should all variations of the Henterprise (Encounter, Boldly Goes and Hend Game) stop its timers while the boss is exploding upon defeating it? This would have no real effect in normal gameplay, except for Space Race. I’m sure that many have been annoyed at one point or another that their Leaderboard spot was lower than someone else, just because the timer was still running.

Should the Henterprise variants stop its timers upon defeat?
  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

But any time counted applies to all players, so there is no unfairness hare.

Technically, the animation timer is the same for everyone, so competitive-wise it’s not unfair.
(Though it may look more and more boring after many many many fights)

This is unnecessary and will make no effect even in space race. for the fact that all players will receive the same time interval resulting from henterprise retreat/explode. making it stop the timer will make all flights time recorded by players gets subtracted by the time taken for the henterprise to retreat/explode. Results will be the same.

so there is no unfairness here.

you could’ve just said

“everyone has to go through the same lengthy explosion anyway, so there’s no need for this”

it would be much easier on the eyes, and still have the same message you want to convey

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Well uh… Is that a long paraghraph though?