Early Access version 112

So heres the story: I was playing Multiplayer with @4-FX, then i s
aid i wanted a Legendary M408 Cuisinier, then he told there was a heroware that had one. So i spent 6K fuel to get there and it was there, then he wanted to buy it but when he got to it… It was gone.
Just saying but, didnt I also help them find this bug?


Changed in v.113 :medal_sports: Idea


Speaking of Rematch wave. Why does some chickens in it have coloured clothes while it doesn’t have in any other wave? ex: Coward. his clothes is coloured there and not being from light to dark blue as in other waves.

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Each enemy has a predetermined color range, but it’s possible for the wave to override this. Other waves that do this are: Strong Nuclear Force, Dyson, Hammer, Rainbow, Roulette, Fractals, Slice of Pie, Splat



Taking down one of the servers for maintenance. Simply reconnect if you are affected.


Well, gonna make this poll, cause why not:

Should the chickens that drop coins have their clothes changed to the chess-board-looking ones from CI3?

  • Yes.
  • No.

0 voters


Can the Droid Raid UI be changed from purple to cyan?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

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It might become confusing between the Droid Raid and Meteor Storm UI’s.


It will be much lighter.
Here; look:

Its not the same sooo

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But it has the same as supernova mission banner 's colour.

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Yeah, but everyone can figure out which is a Supernova or a Droid Raid so easily.


@InterAction_studios can you remake flame effect on HUD become more flexible? Some of its border look too sharp, hardened & not looks like its burning :confused:


So does this suggestion. despite it is not necessary.

Ehhh Well. it’s just the bottom edge of it having unnecessarily high opacity.

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As you know , about the points bar , when we goes into that , it will become invisible , but still show the points you have . But for some reason , the things under the bar aren’t shown . Here’s an example .
I get 1,000 points in multikill.
Capture (1)
But for some reason , when i go to the points bar , the multikill didn’t shown up
Capture (2)
@InterAction_studios Can you fix this ?
Let the Multi-kill , Pecking Order , … to be invisible same as the HUD and shown when we goes into the Points Bar .


This is not a bug.


It’s a feature. getting close to HUDs make them invisible.


Actually I did not have it centered by the fact that I had not properly configured obs on the monitor was displayed normally only in the recording looks like this, for now just went to another place and did not take the external monitor maybe I can in a few days although I’m not sure if this can happen with other resolutions, something I clarify there is that the resolution at the beginning is the one that supports my screen natively but as I had connected a monitor with higher resolution in the game was shown to change it but instead of changing to the second screen stays on the main screen forcing my screen to be 1366x768 to 1440x900 in which if you see some spaces but the image centered and there occurred the problems to return it back to normal. I should still send them those reports from my laptop even though I don’t have the second monitor now?

it happened to me too. but Ig that the game has a specific resolution to display correctly. so probably any other resolution you choose instead of that resolution might makes the screen do such thing.

So maybe it’s not something wrong with your monitor.

Not sure if anyone’s suggested this already but shouldn’t Positron Stream be reclassified as a ‘Nuclear’ weapon considering it’s a literal stream of antimatter?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Meh

0 voters


Just a dumb idea

Make non-sun hot missions have the flame particle in the background (not obstructing anything)