Early Access version 110

this wave also needs anomalies because it is boring and hard to kill the chickens.

this was an H&C not a BX…

I wouldn’t say anything but be careful, writing Multiple posts will reuslt in a flag coming to your posts.

Ok.Didnt know that.

lol dude

Can you guys stop this or action will be taken on this? Plasma is told to use the quote feature now. leave it at that and continue suggesting.

I think it was intentionally built without anomalies.

I told him to have a great day, but realized we aren’t in chatting place.
Realizing that, I went away. I also hope you had a great day.


But you have to be through the barrel to be able to kill chickens otherwise we will have to break it’s edges so we can them freely and that takes long.

That’s the point.

Okay, I get it…

Also, for the ‘‘Dyson Spheres’’ wave, I’d suggest that the Suns’ colors change based either on random chance, star system or diffuculty (easiest would be red, moderate would be green, and hardest would be purple).

why does it matter?

It’s just a suggestion, jeez.

opinion, dyson spheres wave shouldn’t have actual suns, because suns are massive and that would just suck the barriers in

Yeah, but you’re forgetting the Henterprise.

yes but that one actually kills

is it just me or those barriers are too fast or im just too fat

I think the Red Pill should be red chickens on one side and chickens inside of eggs in the other side, Same thing with Blue Pill.


I think it should change because of enviorment, Hot enviorment will be red, and no enviorment will be yellow or white.

i meant the wave not the science fiction structure, and i watch kurzgesagt so i know what it is

But this is hillarious to wait too long just we can pass a wave…

Green And Purple Suns? really? You are destroying physics laws xd.