Early Access version 108

Dr. Beaker doesn’t have copyrights but wave music have


So basically, Dr.Beaker’s Theme is saved, but we’ll have to forget about the three wave tracks.


Do barriers count as kills? If Yes then the Accumulator does not charge when I destroy them.

I agree with you. They either need to be changed or removed.


UCO5 when?
AI : idk and I don wanna do it
me :


This post fits more for the topic below.


when the memes is in EARLY ACESS VERSION 108

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This topic is only for reporting bug, idea or anything else fits more the current version, or any idea, not for the meme, so please get out here!

P/s: If i’m not wrong, UCO#5 was suggested by someone and iA wasn’t agree to add (i guess so)

I have an idea:
Can you add some options in the “Advanced color selection…” section (for example, hex value; value options for “Red, Green, Blue” & “Hue, Saturation, Brightness” ;…) for “Spacecraft” & “Color Theme” customisation so as to makes it more sensible to choose color that makes it suitable for each player’s style?
Hope this idea maybe meaningful for you :innocent: :innocent: :innocent:


very useless

Bruh why??
I think this idea maybe meaningful for me

Yep, they count

In league and galactic cup of the Dr.beaker maybe must remove weapons and firepower of the enemy’s chicken

Because the Competitive Challenges only collect weapons and firepower of the Dr.beaker not enemy’s chicken

It’s The rule competitive challenge isn’t it @InterAction_studios?

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chicken has count %

:thinking: Maybe.

Already suggested numerous times, still would love to see such a thing in-game.

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Oh sorry. I haven’t known about that yet…

It stays for now. But report any copyright claims you might get for it in the future.

Works for me. Not indestructible barriers, obviously – those don’t charge the Accumulator.


No it’s not. The only rule for competitive missions is that they need to be fair for everyone (so e.g. that enemy types spawned are always the same)


@InterAction_studios Can Thundercluck laser attack in higher difficulties have purple warning lines on it, he activates it too fast and suddenly kill player without having time to dodge

oh and make him shoot 5 of this too in higher difficulties, he only shoot 3

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