Early Access version 108

@InterAction_studios ,

Since Dr. Beaker’s head becomes his hitbox at 80% (after breaking the four potions on his body, excluding minions), is it possible to add an animation of his eyeglasses shattering once he reaches 90%, or 80% along with the fourth potion that breaks?..

Also, here’s an idea you haven’t replied to:


can’t you just put “box-shadow” in the css and call it a day?


Idea: Add Safe Zone in Windshield Wipers Wave


I don’t think is necessary?


@InterAction_studios the pecking order in Squawk Block is suck. I think you should remove or replace ig?

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Seems fine to me.

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@InterAction_studios can we have rectangle zones? some waves have circular zones despite the attack pattern being a rectangle, and for some waves the safe zone is wider than marked, so what about we have this?

rectangle zones?
  • yes
  • no

0 voters


It looks normal to me since its not really necessary to remove it on squawk block

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can we automatically assign mission when only have 1 squadron


There’s something of damage locations.

before: I disable detail high the collect location is hide and damage locations is not remove

After: enable detail high the collect location is Available and damage locations is Available too

@InterAction_studios can you fix this?

im pretty sure that its how it works

That would double the number of “pain” frames, so it’s not worth it.

I doubt many people would need this, and your post only has 1 like, so…


It’s as good as it’s ever going to get.

Meh, zones do not have to be 100% precise.

Too much trouble for saving a click.

Damage locations are more important that collect locations.
Anyway, the rule is that low detail hides some optional cosmetic effects, so depending on their “importance”, some damage locations may still be visible even in low detail.


@InterAction_studios so i have a question
As we know about the charity , when in multiplayers , if the owner of those charities leaves the room , those charities will return into the real charity that everyone in the room can eat that .
Actually , we can use this to bug firepowers in the first round
Example : in Boss Rush , wave 1/10 , 2 people goes in the room , one has 8 pw , the others has 0 pw , the charity drops for the 0 pw about 7 more pws , then that person leaves the room , those pw turns to real one , then the people with 8 pw go eat it and turns into 15 pw ( 8 +7)
So I think the charity should be remove out of the game when the owner of those leaves the room or keep it drop in the screen but no one can eat it

IA ,can you make laser and eggs of super chicken in front of the cape ?


No not really necessary its due to engine limitations

Since multiplayer games are not competitive, I don’t see any harm in it.

Not easily.


:warning: Does Dr. Beaker’s boss music have the copyright claim problem on YouTube or not?

I see a couple of boss fight videos which play the boss music intact (@OrvilleTheOrca @RainbowBoyVN ). Did you receive a warning from YouTube? Or are only the wave music tracks problematic?


Wait, are they from different composers?

Edit: Yep, different composers.


I found the sources of all the new music. The three mission music tracks mention that they’re content ID registered on YouTube,
but Dr. Beaker’s music is not.
Hmm, is it going to stay in the game then?


my video doesn’t