Early Access version 106.2

New Boss chicken astro ship and New Boss hemprise are more

Come on, pls. Don’t acting like previous one as spam.

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Henterprise is literally already in the game, Nothing new about this boss

should add the percentage is above 50% to win, otherwise the percentage is less than 50% to lose in the knockout round of galactic cup #12

You mean if your team scores 3-4 in a FIFA World Cup knockout match, both team advances?

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ok galactic cup #12 after galactic cup #11

broken heart icon is pretty hard to see the crack on small screens but i support this

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In version 106.2, Positron Stream firing sound has been glitch while I’m playing with Positron Stream weapon. At 6:24 .

@InterAction_studios I have an idea about multiplayer buttons
There is a button when you press it you can send a message
What if there was a volume button that when pressed picks up the sound you say into the microphone .
button “S” .


you can add an assgin button in the recent mission section in case we forget to press the assgin button when completing the mission of course this button only works for completed mission

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Because it’s problematic to remove those entries while the server is active. It’s only done during updates, when the database is off-line.

I’m referring to you.

Generally, no. Not all notifications have a corresponding Inbox message.

That’s unnecessary.

Fixed in v.107 :medal_sports: Bug

Excellent – I’ll pass this on to the BASS developer.

Fixed in v.107 :medal_sports: Bug


@InterAction_studios There’s a bug when using Scroll Up as satellite fire. Causes satellites to automatically fire occasionally (only between some waves – so, after finishing a wave and arriving on the screen for the next wave) when not touching the scroll wheel. Not sure how to prove tho’, since I can’t show my key presses while playing.

I’ve just changed how the wheel is handled by the game in v.107, so please report again if the problem persists in v.107 (when it comes out)

This could also be faulty hardware which is generating spurious wheel events, however :thinking: . Have you been using Scroll Up to control satellites for a long time? (i.e., even before v.106?)

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Just started using the Wheel Up as satellite fire on 106, wanted to try it out for the machine gun since I’m using an “infinite scroll” type mouse. Also, firing the machine gun using the scroll doesn’t work at all. :frowning:

is that impossible to add mouse wheel on here

Well, you don’t have a wheel on your keyboard, don’t you? :smiley:

IA،Can you make the spacecraft not tilt left or right when I see it at a fixed angle?

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So what if, there’s a sell option, but the squadron disappears once the database is off-line?

Oh wait, that wouldn’t be helpful when the game is released, right?

Hmm…how about increase time to fill up accumulator to 20s or higher?
Bonus: I think that because it makes player to use that booster at more suitable waves