Early Access version 106.2

I guess it’s too low of a priority since it’s only the chat window

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@InterAction_studios if an account is deleted, it simply deletes all its dares and contact requests, and literally anything.
Then, what happens if an account is deleted but it had a Squadron?

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It’s minor, but ok. Changed in v.107

Changed in v.107 :medal_sports: Idea

Fixed in v.107 :medal_sports: Bug

This is actually a bug introduced in v.106

You mean “Events”? It’s intentional. Highlighted items are shown clearly even in transparent settings.

Well it was like that before. Won’t change again.

I didn’t think it would be important enough for anybody to care, but apparently somebody did, so fixed in v.107 :medal_sports: Idea

This can happen when languages are changed after the message has been generated. Can’t fix.

Every participant sees the chat in the host’s language. There’s currently no support to change the language per-participant.


If you own the squadron, it gets deleted entirely. If not, you’re removed as a member.


nah i meant the icon having the gray color, not the background

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Then why there isn’t a sell option?

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Huh? Did anyone do that beside “Stuff”?

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@InterAction_studios can we get teleported to the notifications page, by clicking on the notification we get?



accumulator is real good with the boron gun (at last part where its yellow),and kinda broken with vulcan chaingun (with no overheat) other weapons weren’t that good . the photon swarm was “meh”, the ion blaster and the neutron gun was good but…you know… the projectile speed was the bad part so you needed to be directly in front of the bosses / chickens. the beam weapons (the plasma rifle and positron stream (?) ,not the absolver beam)were good too.

thoughts on the accumulator: is good and sometimes unbalanced. gotta remove random crits on this booster ;D

(why does this":)" changes to this :slight_smile: :d )


It’s a great idea that might be useful when a message comes up that a new mission has come into your squadron .

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They “write a lot of data in the database”, which mainly consist of which missions has been assigned by the leader, and who flew said missions. Removing squadrons with a long track record of assigned missions would be a pain in the bum for him.

@InterAction_studios , can you update the heart icon from the bottom left of the screen so that when a player loses all their lives and reaches 0 lives, the heart icon turns into a broken heart icon like this? :broken_heart:


Doesn’t deleted accounts do the same?

Well, yes? But I kinda doubt a scenario like I’ve mentioned would ever happen. (ugh why did I even bother to reply?)

currently they made the mousewheel scroll to switch between specials. I’d like to have something similar also for satellite, preferibly like elite dangerous where you can assign multiple satellites to the same hotkey / group to fire together or 1 at a time to reduce ammo waste.

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Binding “Cycle special weapons” to any mouse button other than mouse wheel up/down and holding that button will cause the cycling to occur rapidly, instead of cycling once per button press as it should.

New here so I dunno if this is the right place to suggest something but here goes.

This may be an unpopular suggestion but I believe that there should be an option that disables automatically picking up new weapons, now that we can start with an upgraded weapon of our choosing. There are times in certain mid to high difficulties where it’s impossible to avoid changing to an unwanted weapon. Maybe a button press while we’re hovering over the weapon that equips it.

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Ah man it’s my own Arabia team


Not even a day after an update and I’m already cursed with eternal looping sound bug yet again. But this time, it only happened with only one sound and that’s it.
Every time I’ve encountered this bug, it worked in a bit different way; If one looping sound didn’t stop, then every looping sound onward will refuse to stop until I close the game. Those were chaotic times.
I’ve fixed the symptom by playing that same sound again and make it stop.

Also I knew you’d forget about the satellite tutorial mentioning the auto-fire option which you just removed lol

that new Boss