Early Access version 105

@InterAction_studios Can you prevent UFOs from turning upside down? They look weird.

@InterAction_studios Just in case you didn’t notice, I responded to your DM, is there anything wrong going to happen? If an account sent a dare and a contact, but got removed, because of having less than an hour of play time, etc.


All dares and contact requests are removed when a user account is deleted. They will simply disappear.


Okey @InterAction_studios are you ready to finish known bug and new features to update version?


no he ain’t, please don’t act like a boss reminding an employee that the deadline is near


I’m pretty sure this has been reported before, but can explosions like these not obscure enemy projectiles like this?

IA, in the “Interdimensional Portal” wave, can you simplify the Pecking Order?

Why does the Space Burger need this, while the rest of the letters can easily fly, even getting electricity for the lights out of nowhere, this is the future, these aren’t useful.


This is so the letters don’t get lost

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Then, why didn’t the other letters get lost as well?

Because it’s easy for them to fly and not get lost

Yeah, it’s also easy for them to stay orbited with the space borgor :skull: and not get lost

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These letters are attached, so that suddenly did not fly away somewhere and disappear (as I said before)

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Aren’t the others also in the same gravitational field or whatever of the spaceburger
plus, this is the future, if they can make some letters fly, they can also make the rest fly as well.

in the future you have to keep an eye on them (no)

Why keep an eye on them, if they’re able to fly along the space burger

I wrote in parentheses no

Let’s just close this conversation, shall we?


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@iIfireIi I removed those columns of Space Burger .

Do you think it’s good for game ?