Early Access version 103


LMK clan

Sorry but the LMK clan Is dead for a long time so no more LMK

I noticed a long time ago that almost all the squadrons are already dead.


Although I keep earning Weekly Squadron medals.

look at your name

I already see It
(can’t change)

regular can change names apparently?

You sure?

can change names but cant change username
just ask iA for change username

iA, change your username

Me too I join clan a preset but LMK is gone forever

Why? It isn’t Easter yet.


Small visual ideas

  • When you die and only have 1 life left, the Life Icon turns red for several seconds then fade back to normal, warning the player (also add a “low health” sound if you could) (only work if you have at least an extra life)

  • Instead of ship make a shine when you about to overheat (or it was removed idk), make the heat gauge flash orange for a split second.


Pressing “Backspace” key while holding “Shift” key doesn’t delete word.

smoke effect when overheating

This gonna be a fancy update indeed tho


i mean, the customizable tag is already there

Don’t ask about that squadron
That squadron already dead
And some player still keep LMK name

We need to stop talk about that squadron
Some kid player using LMK name to do bad things
No more LMK…that is stupid nick name