Early Access version 04

please answer me!

@cook1ee & @BinhTurtle:

(you’ll just need to void your warranty by explicitly choosing it).
When playïng SSH anything goes.

@GgWw1175 & @anon27929001:
I’ve ſeen them around, but I haven’t figured it out yet: what’s ſpecial about ninja chicks?
Alſo, @GgWw1175, your photo of a wave full of chicks appears to contain normal chicks, not ninja chicks. Am I wrong in thinking that the ninja chicks are the ones with the bandannas?

When the player is within a certain distance from the Ninja Chick, it will move closer to the player. It will try to keep that distance until the player backs off at which point the Ninja Chick returns to it’s normal position.

Yeah, I took the screenshot in CI5 because I don’t remember the missions in which I encountered this wave in Universe.

this game is jast online?:rage::rage:


Update 05 (just released) should fix your problem.