Dislike button


Technically not that many people will have to explain, because when one user explains first, other users can still like that post if they agree, and/or posting an extra reply adding a few more things to it.



No. You will feel like qbus :smile: Which has nothing wrong with it. Everybody have opinions.

Not really a good comparison, since you need to be at least 13 to make an account on the forum.

Either way, if you have a strong enough reason to dislike a post, you should be able to explain why you dislike it.
A dislike button would just encourage disliking posts without giving any feedback. How are we supposed to work on and improve any ideas if people choose to click a button instead of giving their opinion on the subject?


the real reason why i dont like dislike button is because i once disliked a video and others called me s… and other words.


What if someone doesn’t want to explain? The dislike is easier option.

Then they will just have a weak argument. Also, you said that the dislike can be abused. Someone can start targeting other people.

You still need to explain everytime you click

Which again ,makes the feature useless.

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If you plan to force users to enter like “To dislike this post, you must post a reply with at least 100 characters”, they will be forced to do so and simply post: gjoegjoisgjssodgsagfasfihua…



He means that if you force a reason, some people will just write random characters for a reason.

I know. I said nani? for that ahgdagduasgduaguifaguifga… thing

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when somebody forces you to do the task just say this


Probably your first reply is the continuation of the thread that you posted, if this topic go up well. It’s already midnight here, I can’t reply any further.

Same in mine

Explaining like a ***** every time I give a dislike button? Thats one of the lamest things I ever heard. If I like someone’s idea and give him like, then I need to explain why I gave him. Thats exactly the same thing.

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Not quite. It’s different because it’s better if you explain what you don’t like and try to improve.

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There’s already a poll regarding ages of users here, as I remember.

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