Delete the profile

How to delete profile from this website ?

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First, what is the exact reason behind deleting your profile off the forums?
Second, I’m afraid you can’t. (Maybe an Admin can but i can’t be sure)


i want to delete my profile

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You can’t. The cloſeſt you can get is to ask IA to anonymiſe your account. This doeſn’t delete your poſts or anything, but changes your name to ſomething like anon462849320, deletes your profile picture, and ſo on.

But honeſtly, I wouldn’t recommend it. You might want to poſt again, and even if you never do it’s eaſiër for other people to keep track of who’s who if you leave it as it is.


I’m thinking of deleting the profile and deleting the game

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Also, i think what when you delete your profile, if you want to join, you cant use the same IP Mail direction, maybe

Edit: i’ve seen the delete buttom one time in profile settings, i dont remember where is it right now

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I will not join this site again and I will not play this game

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Why the game?

Alſo, I know this is completely beſide the point, but this kind of topic is beſt liſted as #site-feedback. Sort of. I mean, it’s not feedback, but it is ſite related…


I hate this game

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How to delete game profile

Be inactive and IA Will delete you from the game, also, you need remove CIU Carpets


How to delete game profile please

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i already say it


Well, it’s probably pointleſs to try to change your mind, although if you have the time it might be helpful if you could ſay what you don’t like about it before you leave. This kind of feedback can be unexpectedly uſeful and is often hard to get.


i do not understand you

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Do nothing and think more about it or you will regret. Don’t give up just only for a little thing. It happens for all of us, ok?

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I was asking if you could explain what you don’t like about the game ſo that the developer can improve it.


CIU is a game By this I mean that everything is virtual and used for fun or a waste of time

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Fair point. It does exiſt ſimply to entertain people.

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No, I was talking with medo. Sorry.


So was I! :smile: