Delete the profile

I do not know how to earn more medals because I am not good enough in English and when I suggest some of my thoughts on this site I find that my idea is repeated and suggested already and some accuse me of stealing

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Play carefoul

Nobody cares that

Example: find ā€œBartā€ and check if was suggested

Simply things with simply replies, and nobody is trying to atack you or acusing


You can ask people in PM and they will exaclty tell you what you should do. Medals or something else you want to know.


PerÅæonally Iā€™ve yet to Åæee good reaÅæon for this.

Donā€™t worry about that! Moļ¬… people here only know EngliÅæh as a Åæecond language.

Itā€™s been many months Åæince Iā€™ve made a Åæuggeļ¬…ion. This is part of why. NevertheleÅæs, my opiniƶn ļ¬…ill matters when it comes to judging other peopleā€™s Åæuggeļ¬…ions.

I need to go get Åæome Åæupper. Talk to you guys later.


Well, if you really want to delete your profile, ask iA, and remember that youā€™ll be missed by everyone


i want to delete my profile but how

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Ask IA (InterAction Studios) in PM for deleting your profile, but remember, if it gets deleted, you will lost everything, so donā€™t make decision too fast.


:triumph: :triumph: :triumph:

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We tell you like 4 times


Write English please.

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its a emoji in arabic, hes using Google traduction,

Do you reallly need to spam emojis?

Edit: im very tired to explain this a lot of times, i go


There is no way to delete your profile or game on your own, you either have to ask IA or not do anything. And as for not getting medals because youā€™re not good at the game? if youā€™re playing hard missions while also using SSH difficulty then thereā€™s your answer: you are not prepared to tackle harder missions. Start with easy missions and slowly do harder ones until you are better. Of course youā€™re going to be mad if you canā€™t do anything in the game, but you also shouldnā€™t go all out with the difficulty.