Episode DLC (CI2-CI5, CI1 will come later) is finally purchasable within CIU, so please test it out one final time. During the BETA, purchases are free. However, note that DLC file download will be very slow during the BETA (this is expected).
Also, some extra phrases to support the Episodes have been added. Please wait until the official v.152 release before you translate them.
You can skip/warp around waves: Press SHIFT+keys 0-9, -, = to set chapter (from 1 to 12), or press 0-9 keys to set wave in chapter (from 1 to 10).
You can link your existing account that you normally use. Progress on the BETA server is completely separate from the LIVE server. It’s based on a database snapshot when the previous version was released, so your progress will be rolled back slightly (when compared to your live account). And, when the new version is officially released, any progress you made on the BETA server will be lost. Also, any translation changes will also be lost.
Multiplayer games will work, however note that your network connectivity will not be correctly detected by the BETA server (I think it will always say “Port-restricted cone NAT”). If there is a discrepancy between detection and your actual NAT type, then you will not be able to join some multiplayer games (even if they are listed). If the discrepancy lies on the host side, then none of the guests will be able to connect.
I wonder why. CI1 still isn’t released on Steam and no one has already purchased it. Do you plan to release it and then make it purchasable in CIU?
Can “This looks wrong” phrase be replaced with “Wrong code” just to make it clearer? Yes, I’m translating the game. and I’m making a backup to add them to the new version
Uhhhh… The font is now smaller in the normal missions. Intended?
After it’s released on Steam first (similar to how other Episodes were handled).
Fixed in v.152.2 Bug
The “large key pack” box? It looks the same as in previous versions. But why can’t you see the “15,000” text below the coin pile? It should be visible, even if your image is cropped.
There could be minor font size due to “Reworked font sizing” in the changelog. It’s expected.
Fixed in v.152.2 Bug
I’ve generated some messages.
No. The code cannot be checked at this stage without contacting the server. “Looks wrong” means it has the wrong format (similar to e-mails: even an e-mail is formatted correctly, it’s not possible to know if it’s actually a valid account e-mail).
Forgot. Will add in 152.2
Every instance of the large font has been scaled, so it’s intended. But maybe 75% is excessive? I’ll try 85%
What GPU do you have? It might be the same issue as the thing I had with RX560. If you are using a relatively new amd gpu, try setting up amd relive instant replay and check if it still stutters when the recording is active. And make sure it doesn’t show “FULL SCREEN NOT AVAILABLE” in the centre, because I still see this message sometimes on that GPU only when I’m in full screen. Likely had something to do with the dumb driver overlay not working properly.
I have a really old spec: A 2nd gen intel cpu with HD Graphics 3000.but it shouldn’t act this way, as the other games works just fine in full screen.