CIU version 147 BETA

You’re playing CIU not CI2.

Here, I highlighted all elements that weren’t in CI2:


What are you talking about? Don’t you see the CI2 chicken style?
Beside, i’m suggesting about the coin.

Even you marked for me, you didn’t realize that it’s the CI2U mission. Well this is funny.

i think that only applies to chickens

let’s agree that CIX and CIXU are not the same
I mean there is no keys in original CI1 or 2 or 3 games
and the gifts and weapons are so different you can use them at other CIXU missions
and you can use satellites at CI1 and 2 and 3
so don’t compare CIX to CIXU


Haven’t I made it clear? You’re playing CIU not CI2.

And I’m telling you that there are way more differences between CIU and CI2 than coins.

What? Where did I not realize that this is CI2U?

Okay, let’s do explanation of the highlighting:

  • overdrive
  • overheating bar
  • egg flower skin
  • esc / p + frame analyzer
  • bronze/silver/gold coins
  • +300/+100 score HUD text
  • wave progress bar
  • power lvl + over max power lvl
  • keys number
  • food number
  • the bar on right bottom
  • your spaceship was circled because even if it’s the same(ish) model like in CI2 it wasn’t possible to customize it and in CIU it’s possible to even use different models like bombers
  • also weapons which were not visible on the screen - and even if you suggest to limit it to neutron, red and laser weapons then I’m gonna stop you because they were reworked and neutron gun is even completely different.

So, what is so funny?

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v.147 Advance Preview

The official release is very close now, and to (hopefully) catch any last-minute problems, I am providing advance preview builds of the stand-alone and Android versions of the game.

:warning: Before you install them, however, read through the following notes:

  • These are the final builds (exactly the same as will eventually become public), however until the new version is officially released, they will still connect to the BETA server. This means that any progress you make using these versions will eventually be lost.

  • They will overwrite any existing previous version installation you have.

  • If you install them but then wish to go back to playing ‘officially’, you must re-install the previous version on top.

Please let me know if you encounter any issues.


Android (32-bit):


What is the different between CI2U and CI2 and CIU?
If i was playing CIU, then why could i see a mission with a lot of things that mostly like the original game? (From font word to the enemy type, and the story)

Does that not mean that CI2 in CIU isn’t called by “CI2U”, as you want me to call that by a CIU mission?

CI2U itself has their own coin, which you can find in “Paratroopers” wave (in the beginning phase of the mission) right in your “CIU” mission as you called its name.

@Knightcap @kokokokos Keep this place in order, thank you.

What’s the point of this when someone tried to say that CI2U is CIU, not CI2?

Just call those missions as episode x mission or whatever you prefer will solve this bottomless of stupidity problem.
Why did you two argue each others just by the way you all call the mission name?
Beside, what @Flame_Spacecraft stated out are correct.

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Why are you trying to continue a discussion that has ended before your first reply?

I’m just giving him the best way to solve this. Thank you.

Haven’t you read the full story?
Take a look:

Ohh well, if you are confused, i’m asking for the CI2 coin style from CI2U, not the CI2 coin style from the original game.
The simple thing that use the CI2 coin style from CI2U instead of the current coin in that wave (screenshot).

This is gonna be my last post on this subject, because it’s enough of that.

It’s easy. CI2U is Chicken Invaders 2 episode in Chicken Invaders Universe. IA named it CI2U not me.

Because it’s an episode that you can play in CIU. The waves were mostly already there so the only thing was to collect them and order them.

Yeah, I checked it a while ago. There is a exclusive coin in CI2U. It’s not the style of CI2 though, but it is exclusive to CI2U so you can have that point. Still, I checked how many waves do use it (watched this vid: and then checked with this one for reference if anything changed during 6 months:

4, 18, 24, 25, 27, 28, 34, 48, 51, 52, 53, 54, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 64, 88, 110

ci2 style
5, 6, 7, 26, 71, 87, 105, 106, 107

So what you can see is that the CI2U coin is used in few places while the bronze/silver/gold trio is used more often. It may be due to being used in all asteroids and eggshells, but even the final boss fight gives the trio of coins.
Honestly, I don’t even know why this coin was added if it’s used so rarely. Just change those waves to colorful trio.

Any examples of us not keeping this place in order? Specifically ToS, FAQ violations?

CI2U is CIU. The episodes are gonna get an update (maybe, it was long ago) and they will be so called seasons then. And that will be CI2. Episodes in CIU are not stand-alones. You’re still playing CIU, just with waves from CI2.

Any complaints to IA.

That wasn’t the discussion. The discussion was about the coin. If I am honest I completely forgot there is CI2U exclusive coin, but that is still not a CI2 coin.

I said the same things though (minus the satellites because I forgot about them).

And there we have it.


Ia please can you remove that error in konfused

I have a lag that will ruin my beta account now please :frowning:

not really worth to change in a single wave of the whole story line pack

not harm, pass it

Let me summerize the whole story.
I gave an idea for a small changing for a wave (two, actually because of its variant) from CI2U mission, and you was trying to retort my words just in each tiny details, which this is very useless action. And now you are trying to avoid the useless story which was made by you first.

I don’t know how do you look like in you real life, but you should stop your “retorting someone’s word” action. Noone can use the perfect words as you want.

#off-topic . Sorry everyone if my words accidently made the wrong mind for you.

Thank you, i thought that those waves should be related to the original games more.

Well, at least i like to get a reply like this, not like someone with that coconut avatar.