CIU version 146

I’m confusing about the meaning of this. Your mean is about the season content for some enemies that only appear in CI series?

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Episodes may mean CI6 :scream:

It means, he’s working on a better/remastered versions of each episodes, it could also mean that he’s working on adding the Summer Edition to them.

Also iA once mentioned that one of his next goals is to re-uploaded every episode on Google Play.

So, no. CI6 still didn’t get confirmed by him.

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Don’t you remember what happen to the original CI games? I think it won’t be published on Google play

If this is true, iA is also working for other season content, not only Summer Edition.
You can note that some enemies aren’t themed in mostly season content.

But guys, the thing makes me confusing is the “season” word with the straight line. I know iA is working on CI episodes, but why iA wrote like that?

he’s probably working on adding the episodes to google play or adding the cixu episodes back to ciu but with a price tag


IA i wanted to ask 2 questions that everyone might want to know
1.Is CIU your last game
2.Will CIU have a last version ?

it’s not

I feel that this kind of decision is “pointless”. The CI franchise (mostly CIU) is already kind of “below mid” that needs a “breakthrough”, a “fundamental change” to maybe reach the popularity peak of previous CI


You can suggest what to change, what to improve. Though, what you said wasn’t wrong at all, as redoing CI Series without any new mechanic or, at least some new stuffs to it is like trying to save a sunken ship (actually still have, but I will call those are inheritence).

I still holding hope for new contents in the future, and the represence of Planetary things, because it was removed over 120+ versions ago (I couldn’t recall which version exactly).


And that’s the problem. iA is a one man company. 99% of the idea went buried deep into the forgotten valley that take years to become a real thing. And we have to accept that reality, unless iA can somehow form a dev team.

GEN also doesn’t seem to boost the community that much. Few views, few likes, mostly just bugs being reported.

Good thing CIU does attract quite a lot of players in the mobile platforms (100+k downloads on the google play alone)



No, even if there was a new CI game, CIU will keep getting updated.

Yeah I remember, I think it would be hard to re-upload them, but I’m sure iA has a solution.

Well, It’s one of his biggest projects so far.

It’ll get updates until iA gets bored lmao, online multiplayer games needs infinite updates (to add more content and to fix some bugs).

CIU has nothing to do with the real episodes by the way, iA said that multiple times.

You guys can search on the forum for answers if you have more questions.

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Seasons were used to describe the remaked episode standalones.

This may also solve the problem that I think was the reason for Google Play ban - that is reuse of the games with just assets changed.

They will be published because IA already found a way to do so. Most probably it’s going to be as a DLC for CIU, but standalones may also be possible.

IA is not exactly brilliant when it comes to naming things (and versioning)

It is latest for sure. But, I think we will see some new game from him in the future. At least I hope so.

Isn’t CIU the most popular one? At least when it comes to Steam

People do that in this forum for nearly 6 years already. It’s not like it speeds up the development that IA makes or that many of them actually get added. If you’d make a list of new content in CIU it wouldn’t be very big.

Planetary missions never were in CIU yet. (episode 5 remake doesn’t count)

Yes. And that’s why adding the episodes back to google play is important. If they are paid DLCs for CIU then even better.


You look like iA’s work partner, lmao.

No, in the topic “CIU version 146 BETA”, no one has posted about Invasion Anniversary summer edition yet.

Look at them
They had the glasses, and their “red” hot body.
Well, they didn’t have the swimming float like other chickens anyway :confused:

I didnt exept lots of replys XD

It never did? So that might be déjà vu for me. Hmm :thinking:

Yep, that doesn’t count, as it just a whole episode remake, not having much differences.