CIU version 146 BETA

Here are also ideas for the remaining bosses:
Yolk: sand themed with star fish and some sea shells around or just make it water/ocean themed skin just like the mk 2 or 1
Feather: sunken themed or sand themed or any underwater themed skin for it
Comet: light green blue themed skins
Bossa nova: extra fire and flame effects all around
Mysterious ship or whatever that steel egg is: ruined steel that has been left just like steel bots under the sea with some fish, Carols, kelp around it and two to three small star fish.

P.s: we should get a trailer before the release of the edition fr.

No. Feathers in summer edition changed design into Surfboards.

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I was talking about the boss, feather brain. And if the feathers are surfboards then the idea of feather brain should be changed that can match the surfboard which is basically turn it into a sand themed skin much like the snow chickens or the snowman or the frozen party chicken from Christmas edition.

Your post should have listed the boss’s full name, please. But when you wrote “Feather”, I thought it was just feathers.

Haven’t encountered Sweater Chicken (It gets cold in space) in frozen environment yet, but does its body still tinted red when it has all clothes on?
If yes, it needs to be fixed.
Also, Coward Chicken still has default skin (beside sunglasses)

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Fixed in v.146.2 :medal_sports: Bug

Changed in v.146.2 :medal_sports: Idea


still haven’t played this, but nevertheless i have a weird summer suggestion

make droids sit on a beach chair with a windmill on top (which would act as propellers and purely cosmetic) accompanied by some sunglasses

also is it possible to give me an idea medal because i made this claim before the beta came out

I’ve seen that if you enable “High-contrast text”, it won’t effect Color Themes:

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Btw i didnt receive the medal i guess thats because my name XD
Well here is my callsign

Changed in v.146.2 :medal_sports: Idea


Where, on Discord? I don’t check that.

That’s fine.

Your medal will be awarded when v.146 is officially released


Thanks so much ^ ^

Is it possible to theme infinite-chick by smoke death exploding in summer edition?

post can’t be empty

Is it normal for the coconuts to make a pop sound like that? I expected them to play something similar to the changed kick sound.

Is the scuba helmet reflection from Epsilon Thalassus? How is this possible if we have already left it?

This looks super weird

CI4’s spiral transition leaves visible parts in the corners.

Also the spiral that wraps the transition between wave 120 and the explosion cutscene looked cut off.

can these be turned into beach balls to match the summer theme like shell notes too

Talking about to Hen House boss (Fly the Coop) in CI5U.

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or even chick gatling/laser themed.

Wasn’t i say this before?

and just last moment, Giant robotic space crab should be orange eyes on summer?

or one just moment
frozen environments meteor boss beach ball just blue lightier than normal should an dark instead?

I got an idea to add ice-cream cuisine
A new edition of the food good for the summer season