CIU version 146 BETA

It’s a male chick from how it looks.

Are you seriously discussing about chicken genders which fly in space? :joy:

@InterAction_studios Can the Aurora Boreals fit with the background of the normal missions but in summer only?

Or a new background with Aurora Boreals instead, that will give a good vibes in the game

The problem is: Why iA didn’t add them to CIU?

For what reason? He still can implement them to CIU for this Summer Edition

Now i have just found it :skull:

In “Ice Cubed” boss, the frozen chicks haven’t themed into summer edition yet.
While of that, the frozen chicks in Halloween and Christmas is still themed, but they aren’t in Easter and Thanksgiving though the chicks is already themed in all 5 seasons

I just made it into Popsicle fragments

Google “shutter shades”

I was torn between “him” and “it”. It’s hard to tell the gender of young chicks anyway (which Feather Brain is supposed to be).

I was thinking about that while trying to make a chicken wear a lady’s summer hat for Summer. Mother Hen is obviously female, however I think we need an organic enemy/boss that’s clearly female. Something like this, perhaps: Babs (Chicken Run) | Heroes Wiki | Fandom

Fixed in v.146.4 :medal_sports: Bug


Oh that’s awesome, It’s been a while since we had a chicken boss, maybe a similar approach to Klaus and Beaker could be taken with this: first a new enemy breed which is clearly female, and then create a boss based on that breed. Some new cluck sounds should be given to further differentiate this from other enemies. :thinking:


It should also have a different look, now there’s just one thing, attacks.

Also if I’m not mistaken, the chick laser/gatling guns aren’t reskined.

oh sweet, a new boss!! :3

Did you theme feather brain yet?

I thought we can know this according to their voice. Some enemies/ bosses have the high voice: Coward Chicken, Party Chicken, Feather Brain and Slob.

No, you has a mistaken. Chick Gatling/Laser Gun already reskined in CIU v146.3 Summer Edition.


The chick is reskined, not the actual gun itself

Changed in v.146.4 :medal_sports: Idea


did the space crap 2.0 got redesigned?

maybe it can look like a water gun?

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Okay great now bossa is left although do you have any ideas for it? If it comes to me then I would turn it extra hotter with flame effects around it.

I think it can be more hot.

Here’s some concept design if you wanna keep it orange/red:-

If wanna make it realistic:-