CIU version 143

This is sick bro

Mind checking these, iA?

hello how to share user id would you help me please

66.67% bug?

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66.666 rounds up because the next digit is higher than 5…


When math combines with CIU :joy::

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v.144 Advance Preview

The official release is very close now, and to (hopefully) catch any last-minute problems, I am providing advance preview builds of the stand-alone and Android versions of the game.

:warning: Before you install them, however, read through the following notes:

  • These are the final builds (exactly the same as will eventually become public), however until the new version is officially released, they will still connect to the BETA server. This means that any progress you make using these versions will eventually be lost.

  • They will overwrite any existing previous version installation you have.

  • If you install them but then wish to go back to playing ‘officially’, you must re-install the previous version on top.

Please let me know if you encounter any issues.


Android (32-bit):


huh, kinda early update pushing

It’s only a maintenance release. I need to make some internal changes for the videos.


are we gonna have new things too?

in squack blocks we flying up side and cant move up by our own a player owns a ghost trail i think its better the trail follow the ship while its not

and even when we gonna buy mullers we see its heavy delete everything tell that its heavy its light

Dude you can already edit your replies

You really don’t have to spam replies


i wanted to you guys get it as one idea each

Why is it that languages that seem to be fully translated only show 99.9% translation completion?

There’s an extra phrase on the server (concerning “too old squadron assignments”) that is not currently accessible in the translations. Wait until v.144.



v.144 UPDATE

ETA Friday 14 March 2024 08:00-10:00 GMT


wow too fast 14 days passed of last update acually 2 weeks

Woah, that was fast. And the current update only lasted two weeks.

Fast updates make the game more alive

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