CIU version 141

Off-topic but… What’s this day :v ?

Eh, it’s not quite off-topic. You’re right, though, I should’ve linked a Wikipedia article to it, which I did now. Check my post again.

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I wonder if there will be a chinese new year seasonal content

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A suggestion for the Galactic Cup:

Toss in occasional special Daily Challenge mechanics (Weapon Training, Budget Constraint, Pot Luck) for Knockout Matches. This can be mixed with whatever mission type the game throws at you. I feel that this could also make some matches fairer in terms of loadout (except Weapon Training), since everyone would have to play by the same conditions that the game sets for you.

It could also apply to Group Matches, but I think making it be for Knockouts only would make them stand out more.

Optional: Perhaps the Final Knockout Match could always have at least one of the special rulesets (the special Daily challenge stuff) in action.

Should the special Daily Challenge mechanics be incorporated into Knockout Matches?
  • Yes, for both match types.
  • Yes, but only for Knockout Matches.
  • Yes, but only for Group Matches.
  • No
0 voters

If you voted no for the above poll, please do not vote for this one:

Should the Final Knockout Match always have at least one of these mechanics active?
  • Yes
  • No
0 voters

Writer’s Note: I may make a follow up to this on a later date. Perhaps I’ll suggest more conditions for the cup matches.


After a while, i have just seen something… i mean, it isn’t exactly like anything you thought
If you are looking into a Meteor Storm wave carefully, you will see that all meteors only appears and move in 2 directions: Straight direction and Diagonal direction (in this example, Straight means from the top, and Diagonal direction means from the top right).

(the yellow arrows show you the direction of each meteors)

I thought that each meteors should be appeared from any directions independently, not only 2 directions. Beside, the warning text had said “Meteors may come from any directions”, while i only see all meteors but only 2 directions.

Better understandable: Make each meteors independently in their direction, just like wave “Asteroid Flurry!” from CI1U.


2 questions for IA.

  1. What will be the focus of 2024 when it comes to CIU? 2023 was undeniably the year of remasters/remakes - every episode got refreshed. What’s next?
  2. What are you using to manage payment in nonPlatform CIU? Asking because you still support CIU on windows 7 and 8.1 and Chrome ended browser support a while ago, Steam just did it and Firefox only has 6-7 months left.

imho, iA should now focus on improving the seasonal content & adding more waves (if any member suggested good and interesting ideas).


I hope the CI6 development starts on spring


during the last multiplayer party on Discord he mentioned a few ideas (planetary missions, police chase, multiplayer enemy/boss spawning mode) for a big content update, out of which only one would be focused on for now, but that hasnt been decided


me waiting for the paradoxical paradox

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You know how every CI game has a different player death animation, is it possible to make them purchasable? (325 keys each)

Also, the tracks below should have custom names in their descriptions like the others:



Someone actually suggested adding custom death animations, but iA said that the engine doesn’t support that, that was long time ago… so i hope the engine can add that now. :v


this was also my idea

Back to the Unicode support in steam proton. Emojis sure are not a problem, but this absolutely for sure is:

Persian, Arabian, Thai, Urdu and Kurdish refuse to show anything, and I was not able to find any way to solve this with proton fixes or modifications.


Got a silly suggestion:

Change the Slob Chicken death sound to a bass drop sound effect

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I feel like there’s enough waves for now. Also if by seasonal content you mean holiday skins - easter, christmas etc. then that’s not exactly a good idea.

I don’t really see it happening anytime soon. IA has to maintain CIU servers 24/7 and it needs to be successful enough to at least cover the costs. Making another stand-alone would be stupid. Exclusive episode 6 DLC for CIU would be perhaps the best purchase among other microtransactions in CIU.

I guess multiplayer enemy will be the focus given how CIU is supposed to be MMO. Police chase could be fun, but planetery missions would make exploring the Universe better.

Maybe it would be a good idea to report it to Valve’s Proton GitHub repo. Though they don’t respond to many of reports.


It could be a bug in the Excel library I’m using to import/export. It’s very old and creaky.

Ok, so it’s most likely a corruption in the texture file (maybe from bad modding tools, or possibly faulty hardware). Re-install the game and see if it goes away.

It’s a very low-level setting that is needed even before the rest of the configuration data is loaded, that’s why it’s hard to upgrade.

Awarded (I think – you’ve changed it again? ).

This change has been applied to all of CIU.

CI2 resources are kept in a separate file, and it’s not easy to apply them to missions outside CI2 itself.

AFAIK all 3 tracks of CI2 music are now in the Galactic Store.

These are not the same coins in terms of points, so I thought it would be confusing if they looked exactly the same.

You probably (un)intentionally damaged both Infinichicks. One Infinichick will die at exactly 50% only if it’s the only one you have damaged.

Your screenshot shows it’s still alive at 99.99%, which is expected.

Only in the actual CI2 mission.

Fixed in v.142 :medal_sports: Bug

Changed in v.142 :medal_sports: Bug

This is not a sustainable change, though (i.e., it can’t be applied to all music without significantly increasing download size)

Yes, I think that is the reason. Your contact probably joined a multiplayer game (after the last notification you saw) and then immediately quit it.

That means that the game did not properly ‘end’ the first time around – it was most likely a disconnection instead.

This seems like a lot of work, but – on the list.

Yes, I had to revert that change due to lack of time – it’s back in v.142.

It ends on 15th January to account for “Old Calendarists” (e.g., Russia)

Fixed in v.142 :medal_sports: Bug

Intended. I thought completely random directions would be overwhelming.

Remastering still has significant work to go. I now need to package each episode as stand-alone app (certainly on Android, possibly on other platforms).

Beyond that, there are three main potential directions:

  • New “police chase” mission type
  • New procedural “planetary” mission type
  • Mission editor (I don’t think formation editing will be possible, so perhaps “mission mixer” would be more accurate)
  • Bonus: There’s also a half-baked idea about multiplayer games where the host doesn’t directly fly the mission, but instead chooses which enemies to spawn and when (the mission difficulty would determine the number and breeds of enemies at their disposal).

They are all major undertakings, and I still haven’t decided which one I’ll be tackling first.

Payments are done externally via PayPal. As long as there’s a functioning web browser (i.e., one which PayPal supports), payments will continue to work.

“Death animation”? You mean kind of explosion effect used?

Custom names are only for 2dB tracks.



Continuing the discussion from CIU version 137 BETA:

If Pirate Chick and Ninja Chicken wire eggshell costumes, it would be difficult to distinguish. I think Ninja Chick should try combine with purple black bunny mask, bunny ears must short.

My mean actually is: Playing randomly all 3 CI2 music tracks in CIU mission (before: CI2 theme music track is only played in CIU mission) . I’m not talking about 3 CI2 music tracks in Galactic Store.