CIU version 139

I’m gonna take a moment to resuggest this:

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Adding Halloween decorations can look like the CI4 Easter Egg Cannon. That is adding thorny vines of ghost pumpkin to wrap around the laser cannon. Choose 1 of 3 colors of Thorny Vines as follows: Dark green, purple and black. In cutscene it can be quite visible.

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What about 200 keys and a 72h cooldown?

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Hey @InterAction_studios I have some thoughts on the Corn Shotgun weapon:
If the player does not carry a Coolant Canister, when in Overheat state, the popcorn shooting style will be very weak. Should be fixed so that players carrying Coolant when in Overheat state will immediately cool the Corn Shotgun. Hope iA considers this idea. Thanks!

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No. iA can’t be fixed popcorn is still max shoot on or doesn’t count from coolant!


That won’t happen. There was a huge debate last year about that and it was reverted.


I see, thanks for the notice

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So, one QOL change that I believe should happen is the speeds of Food Droids in Food Raids should be sped up relative to the difficulty of the mission, just like how Visitors from Another Dimension has its spawn portals moving faster the harder the mission is. Some waves like Supply Drones/Line, Sushi Belt, Intergalactic (Guaranteed) Delivery, etc. are slow as molasses, regardless of difficulty. Food Raids is boring as it is. With these waves being sped up, it can make these missions less of a chore.


The changelog lists 2 medals for you, and I have verified that you have been awarded 2 medals.

Changed in v.140.3 :medal_sports: Idea

I see “Sushi Belt” already speeds up with difficulty. Does it need to speed up more?


I’ve checked and apparently someone else, more than 3 years ago, suggested the same change for Droids regarding their speed based on difficulty.

Medal share for them, perhaps?

I don’t know if another person besides DrPeeper and 505 suggested the same idea.

Should that wave speed up more?
  • Yes!
  • No!
0 voters
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Hm, should the crest (?) go behind the lower beak in thanksgiving edition?

I’ll admit that I didn’t extensively check. I just threw this wave out as an example for my suggestion.


Since you’ve added flares for shooting barriers, why not do the same for the UFOs?


Changed in v.140.3 :medal_sports: Idea

I’d rather not – it’s a slippery slope.


I think we need to add a delete account button for accounts linked to email when players need it for convenience, without having to bother going to the forum to tell @InterAction_studios to delete the account,and of course, you will also have to confirm via the code sent via email associated with that account before confirming deletion

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why the hell you need to delete the account when you can move to other game (if you dont want to play this game anymore)
also if that account has made any purchase, i’m sure that you’ll regret when deleting

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I don’t this will be the great idea at all, since most of the game didn’t have this feature, so rejected!

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I wonder how is that account if inactive for over 1-2 years?

One month left to 5th Anniversary for our game. Will iA bring back the “Party like it’s 2002!” edition?

But it’s still there, technically. -2002mode command line argument still works.

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