CIU version 138 BETA

How about giving you the ability to select the starting chapter. What got introduced in CI5 the first place.

In CI5U profile, About to wave “Black Hole Skipping/Hopping”, Black holes are very difficult to see if blue tint is removed. CI5 Background in Halloween Edition is very dark. Can the effect of making a black hole vanish change the blue color to another color? I don’t mean to change the color depending on starfield or depending on environment background.

Our brain skipped the second “the”.
There’s a video explaining that kind of stuff on Youtube.

I don’t know that does anyone cause an issue like me?
When i try to get firepower/gift from the chicks in “Henterprise Hencounter”, i got kicked out of game after this wave, but i’m not be kicked like that when i just beat the Henterprise#1 without collect any weapon/firepower from the chicks. I just thought this is because of mine firstly, but i saw that being kicked out of the game in this case was intentional. Ohh, i’m also using Halloween edition, i didn’t cause this issue when i played the default edition.

Fixed in v.138.6 :medal_sports: Bug

Still a pain.

Hmm… I don’t have a clean solution for this, so I’m reverting the change (black holes now have a blue tint again).

I don’t see any server kicks for you, so it could have been a random network issue.


maybe like, bring back the CI5 Halloween background without any green layer?

Go through alots of tries during BETA, and this is some of my thing i find it weird:

  1. During wave 63 (Weaving Through Traffic), there are 6 lines of chick going through gatling chick (instead of 5 in original).

  2. Planetary boss’s speed are buff depend on skill you used. It doesn’t affect to others boss for some reason.

  3. Without zoom out from wave 37 is just really weird. Maybe zoom out atleast 10%?

  4. During moving to the right from wave 37 is just not confortable with this collidable rock. Maybe like remove some of them, or even this:

Unrelated to BETA, but can the “Mission Codename:” be replace with the mission type you’re playing?

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he said “like this” not exact. so it can be a 3d render made by iA to look like it there will be no problem

Somehow the game is blocking all Vietnamese-modifiable characters.

Update: It’s a problem on my end. I also tested on v137 on Steam.
Another update: I don’t know about this anymore… I installed Unikey in the same wine bottle and can type normally, but Vietnamese-modified characters are still instantly removed.
It feels like characters from clipboard are blocked, because that’s how Unikey works: move characters into clipboard, modify them and paste them back into the textbox.

I’ll summarize the problem:

  • In an older version of wine, it allows typing Vietnamese from macOS Vietnamese keyboard by moving them into a virtual box outside the app, adds all modifications, then sends them back into the textbox. The current version of wine isn’t allowing me to do so, therefore compatibility layer cannot recognize any inputs from said keyboard.
  • Unikey is a good alternative to the above problem, it works by only moving pending-modification characters into clipboard, adding modification, then snapping them back into the spot. However, the game is blocking all characters from being pasted from clipboard.

You can suggest about the translation in CIVN discord server, instead of complaining here.

Lasers are longer than galaxy??

Some hardpoints aren’t meant to be used in cutscene version of flagship.
iA hasn’t got a word about this issue. It’s impossible to remove such things, for now :skull:

I have Idea
Maybe you can Remove Hardpoint in There

and There

Someone said it earlier than you. It’s actually impossible to remove the hardpoint during the cutscene.

Can’t the galaxy map version of flagship be used?

OK! The Vietnamese translations are finished!
See for yourself! (by pressing Ctrl+T after selecting language)

They will be wiped out at the official release of v138.
Also you can check out the translation discussion channel in CIVN discord. Some translations do not fit the context (such as the 3 artifacts), while others should be kept intact (Episode names).

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Why the HUD damage appear at the middle of the screen, while we heat the corn on the top of the screen?

there is a little bug in the new version the game works well and after 30 minutes the game freezes for 1 minute and work again

Fixed in v.138.6 :medal_sports: Idea

Since you are running under emulation, the game can’t do anything about it and anything is possible.

As I said:

Fixed in v.138.6 :medal_sports: Bug

That sounds like something is wrong with your computer configuration. Have you noticed such freezes when playing other games?


would it be possible that you should make a game more co-op, like everyone shares the same score, and to avoid from cheesing, the game automatically closes, preventing players from joining in when it reaches half of the wave instead of the last wave
I found it unfair when people don’t get the same score, keys, and foods
ending up fighting just to get the most out of it.
and the Score should now also show the overall score you get.