CIU version 128

Don’t post here not related to game feedback. Also, friendly dares don’t hurt at all and they may be required to do so as part of Quests.


No, I mean, I hate comet missions because they take up small space for me and I have nowhere to go, and because of that, I was hit by comets, so I hate comets.

Yes, a lot of people hate comets, but there is no penalty for ignoring it.

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This happened when I was leaving my computer for 30 minutes to complete a quest. I was away from the computer during most of this time so I don’t know when this starts happening, and my internet isn’t disconnected at any point (although I don’t know if there are any connection warnings shown during this time). The mission is this Space Race.


I would guess it became out of sync with the server :neutral_face:

Off-topic already :confused: and nothing can help you but training. Lost some lives is also a learning method, so just allow yourself. :grin:

Hmm, indeed. Fixed in v.129 :medal_sports: Bug

Fixed in v.129 :medal_sports: Bug

Correct, although rather ironically it was the code designed to prevent it from de-syncing that actually caused the de-sync :roll_eyes:


It is a shame that we can’t easily “share” missions like that now, but would it be possible to make it so that if a player plays through the entire multiplayer mission (no partials), then they can replay it solo? I think that’s a fair compromise.

Would there be an option to disable the edition like example,
I don’t like the Christmas edition, I would just go and hit disable so it will return to the original, just like the 2002 party mode when you want to turn off

That won’t help with the core issue: Several people complained that being able to replay multiplayer missions was an ‘exploit’ (because it allowed you to play missions outside of your tier, or locked behind environments).

Editions have different assets (and even different code), so it’s not easy to toggle between them. 2002 is a simple filter – it makes no other changes.



v.129 UPDATE

ETA Wednesday 15 Feb 2023 08:00-10:00 GMT


yay a new update tomorrow :slight_smile:

will there be a replay video option just like osu?

I have 2 suggestions regarding this:

  • Can you display the reason of ban for users.
  • And in my opinion, banning forever is too harsh for a game that had all other entries in the series allowing cheats, and having well-known cheat to change keys value. So I suggest decreasing the ban time. Or increase ban time each time you are banned again, so like this:
    1 Month → 6 Months → 1 Year → Forever.

∞ - X = ∞, but I agree with this. As far as I understood, the player who cheated can create a new account after some time passes.

No, that would expose sensitive information.

Built-in cheats are clearly different from cheating in an on-line game where you are directly competing against (or at least being compared to) other players.

I am strict against cheats because I don’t want to cultivate an environment of unfairness and impunity. How would you feel if the same equipment you bought after many hours of gameplay (or by paying real money), someone got immediately and for free? Or that you got eliminated from the Galactic Cup because your opponent was using a hack? Or that all mission leaderboards do not reflect skill in any significant way?

Also, protecting against cheats is ugly, laborious, and time-consuming work. I’d really prefer to be doing anything else. So if I have to go through such misery, you can bet I’ll make sure that any cheaters do, too.


How about at least changing ban time for those who made an in-game purchase, especially CHL.

Mind checking this?

I’ll give my two cents, since I also think a permanent ban on the first offense is a bit too much.

How about first offense: temporary ban + full account reset (without resetting CHL), any future occurence permanent ban.

I understand the resentment against cheaters, I myself try to compete in leaderboards and would be pissed off if I was 2nd only because 1st place cheated. But at the same time I feel bad for people who spent real money and grinded a lot of time in the game to lose everything because of one mistake.

Well, it sounds harsh because you never experienced it. But for someone else who already did. They find it a very deserved punishment. Cheaters creates regions of injustice and shabbiness which would cause players to abandon the game. So to avoid that, there should be no hesitation to make them sustain the most severe punishment possible.

And to give an instance of that. Suppose that you were about to win a galactic cup after countless times of failure but your opponent does something fishy. What would be your reaction?

It was suggested by someone else in the policy topic. But I don’t think that should be done. The cheater is still at fault. The punishment time is eternal however.