Boss Idea: Chef Cluckdoom

Chef Cluckdoom was once a respected chef, known across the galaxy for his incredible cooking. But over time, his passion turned into madness. Now, he sees every battle as a new dish to prepare, swinging his giant swords with precision and tossing live chickens at his enemies. To him, you’re not a fighter

  • I want
  • I dont
0 voters

It looks creepy to be honest


it would be the best if you made it as a mod

Mod name: CIU Doomsday

thats a good idea but sadly i dont know how=)

you can ask @VerMishelb for prior instructions to making the mod.

You can’t ask @VerMishelb for prior instructions for making a mod. VerMishelb has already sent the link to the reply with a tutorial.