đŸ“± Android (experimental preview)

for the “extra finger” option of “Satellites firing method”, the first finger does not move the ship when the second finger is released. Is this a bug?

Can i have medaol please


I can’t replicate this. What is your exact touchscreen configuration? (follow method, firing mode, satellite firing mode)?


this one

I need your choices for all 3 settings: follow method, firing mode, satellite firing mode

Send me a screenshot of Options → Controls → Touchscreen


Follow method: Drag
Firing mode: Automatic
Satellite firing mode: Extra Finger

Works for me :roll_eyes:

Does this happen to anyone else?


Nothing any error,why?

idk but I encountered just this morning
Update: Take a look at this :confused:

I feel, I’ve experienced that before, but when i tried it again nothing happened

Idk why my friend’s spacecraft become black (my friends sit next to me and in her phone it’s normal)
Not sure why but me and my friends are using mobile (i’m host)

did you set “Darken Other Players” to the max value?

oh i accidented do that, oops

what about making it larger any way but limit the “play area” of the waves to 16:9, make the outside of the play area a png of space and not show any wave-related stuff, and put the UI at the 4 corners of the screen

i can see many ways this can be possible, but i don’t code in c++ nor i do use the ciu game engine

My personal favorite teaser image.
iA on wave 12 with 35 score AND 10 firepower.
The maximum you can get is 8, you need to pick at least 1 firepower (charity, with the maximum of 9) which gives score.
You also need to be lucky enough to pass 11 waves that don’t require killing enemies.
Finally, the keys that take long to despawn, that even the boss appeared and spawned its shield, yet the keys are still there.

Would the mobile versions allow for notifications down the line? I can see some notifications, like the start of the daily missions, Race, weekly, etc. be helpful if you would forget to do so. The same thing can be done for when there’s a update for the Leaderboards for the longer missions (Race, IM and weekly).

These notifications could be partitioned, so that players can pick which ones they want to see outside of the app. The screenshot show how Discord splits their notifications and how the user can select what they want to receive.


It happens when your movement finger is lifted slightly while a second finger is pressed down, because the movement now becomes controlled by the second finger. This was originally intended, but I’ll fix it.

This would require cascading changes to a lot of game parts, which is clearly not worth it for such a small benefit (of moving the UI slightly to the side).

Unlikely. Integrating with any OS-dependent features (like notifications, Game Center, leaderboards, achievements, etc) is a huge pain, and I’d really rather avoid it altogether.


Something very weird has been happening, CIU on mobile seems to crash after 20 seconds, and just repeats it.

Although sometimes the game just works normally and doesn’t crash, I’m playing on a Galaxy S22 Ultra, if I had to guess it would have to be something with my phone.

@InterAction_studios is it normal that when i entered a food raid mission the starfield just goes dark? Then after a few seconds or so its back to normal