A stupid(?) idea for April Fools Day

I know that is not April yet, but hear me out.

So, it just came to my mind one day. What if there was an event where everyone and I mean EVERYONE would be locked to only use Moron Railgun for a day? It would be perfect for April 1st as a little prank/troll.
The event would be called “Moron Mania” and basically as said earlier, every single account, whether an e-mail or a guest account, all of them will be locked to playing only with the Moron Railgun. And since it is the weakest weapon in the game, it could be a cool prank, seeing people get sick of it after like 10 minutes or just not even bother playing. And to (maybe) spice things up, there would be a special challenge for those who are brave enough.
But of course, there wouldn’t be an event without a :sparkles: prize :sparkles:. Those who played for at least 1 or 2 hours and didn’t lose their sanity would be rewarded the next day 500 :key:. Maybe too much, maybe too little, I don’t know, it would be up to IA to decide (I’m just giving ideas xd). Oh, and if you decide to sit and do nothing to make time pass faster, there would be maybe a system that detects you not doing anyting. If you go AFK for at least 5 minutes, you will be trasported into a random mission without being able to leave, so that you wouldn’t have an “easy way” of playing for a long time (sitting on the pause menu will make the time counting stop).

Let me know what you think of this. I’m guessing that this won’t even be seen but eh, who knows.
Thanks for reading!

I’m so evil for making this huehuehue

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I think you didn’t need to earn the keys when finished :L

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Funny idea ngl! But as an evil person i know how to make it even crazier how about to lock the difficulty to either SSH or Rookie muhahahhahaa!

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Man… That’s Evil :confused:

But i like it >:)


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unfair advantage, what if you dont have the internet for that day? or youre not home, and getting 500 keys just for playing? no.
And will it revert everything to the day before april fools? Imagine entering a DT on a pretty bad spacecraft :skull:
Just no. Only if the progress will be reverted back to 23:59 of the last day…

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I knew that it would be too much or just unnecessary :sweat_smile:


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