3D Spaceship model redone

I’m sure some of you already seen that old topic of mine I created a few years ago where I’ve made a 3d model of the recognizable spaceship and an alternate aswell as a remodeled version of the chicken.
In case you don’t, here is that topic:

I’ve been doing more modeling practice ever since because I was not liking how it ended up looking.
After 4 more years of modeling practice, I’ve finally reached the needed level to model anything.

So as a challenge I’ve decided to try again with the spaceship model, and the result is amazing:

I obviously do not own the textures as I wasn’t feeling like making my own. But I’m proud to say that the difference between the previous model and this one is quite big (excluding the texture design).

I also have an updated version of the chicken model, Its far from finished cause its too simple still.

My last challenge is to have these models polished and detailed in every way possible. So wish me luck on that one ;D

Lemme know what you guys think


Damn, that already looks great. Especially the spaceship. Good luck with polishing what you have in mind.

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cool what app do you use?

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ok thx