Where should we put "carrer stats"?

I’m not quite happy with the carrer screen for now, because it is quite messy.

I miss the old screen (before they added galaxy exploration stats and score, keys, etc.) so I think this screen should be edited a bit:

  • First, adding a button called “Show carrer stats” below the callsign (or simply use the “stats” section below, which is not available yet)

  • Then, all of the stats shown here should be in that separate carrer stats section, plus adding some new ones: flight time, damage inflicted, coins collected, keys collected, mission wins/losses (basically, anything else you see in the “compare” screen (except medals) should be shown in the carrer stats as well)

It’s a bit hard to describe how it works (although I just did), so hope you understand.


I agree, but I thought people wanted this information to be easily accessible? Burying it in another layer of menus is counter-productive.


What about stats button that is already presented on the screen?

One menu down isn’t that buried. There’s always the option to add the option… to settings or the stats menu, where you could select to show these stats in the main menu.

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