What is the best 2022 Early-Acces Spaceship?

This was a question I wanted to ask earlier, however it just so happened that I forgot about it.
Ever since the the addition of the VF Series of Spaceships (I have rather mixed opinions on it…), I found myself searching for new answers to the age old question: What is the best Spaceship in 2022?

The Ideal spaceship would be balanced between all these: Manuverability,
Firepower, Expandability (Hardpoints + Consumables + Satellites).


I for one, would say that the M408 Cuisinier is the best ALL ROUNDER, while the other series are more specialised:
The BX-9 has the best firepower while being VERY slow ;
The VF-76 has the best expandability but lacking firepower ;
The H&C 101 has the best Key bonus but lacking in firepower and expandability

What do you guys think? Let me know. And thanks for taking the time to read :grin:

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it depends on your playstyle
whatever your playstyle is vf is still trash


I would like to use this one (I’ve tried all the ships and the best result was for VF-76)
the second will be H&C
bombers are trash

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my entire race of bombers will murder and bomb you

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They can’t untill the



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For me, I mostly use Mullers for normal flies. That because I can take advantage from its stats, like: strong, large expandability, and fast

I also use BX (exactly the BX-9) for dares, competitive and “hard as hell” missions. It has a large amout of slots, deal a large damage, but ut also has cons: slow, big hitbox (easier to boom)

That’s my additional opinion about this topic. Anything else? :grin:


I do’t remember what type I use, I think it’s VF series? Thin purple ship something. It works similar to Hatchling, a bit weaker and bigger but allows overdrive. I don’t have issue with it.

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i have muller 408 is very good


If I could afford another ship besides my M408, I’d probably also go for the BX-9 and that S W E E T firepower :boom:

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Damn. you might be the first person to say the VFs are better than the Mullers
But I mean if you like them that’s awsome :raised_hands:

:)))) lol VF hater
I kinda have to agree tho… the VF-s are just expensive H&C-s

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BX-9 is easily superior with a few manuvering jets equipped


BX-9 Is the king :muscle:


BX9 is a great spaceship after all. But you just suffer trying to master the use of it.


True, after some time you feel weird when you use normal speed spacecrafts


Ngl, the VF-56 is kinda slept on over in this topic. It is actually the fastest ship in massive environments and it still has decent firepower, maxing out at 10, along with 4 sats, same as M408.

Kinda wish H&C301 and M400 were more remarkable…


What about H&C201? It’s arguably worse.

It is, but your fp gets nerfed slightly and I guess most people don’t care as much about massive environments anyways.

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peace af shet

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Sadge, cause I would’ve taken the 10fp cap for extra speed.

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ye is good with big slow speed. peace of shout