What If? questions

Q:What if Omega Flowey and the Henterprise decided to swap places?

Universe will become Robloxia

Mean, please, stop

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Q:What if all bosses move and attack super fast?


The update 10.1 will back again


Q:What if bosses give only Untensil Poker

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Lucky?, idk

What if there’s a difficulty harder than SSH?

Not A What if question, but…
How @trueuser lose the regular rank again?

Regular *rank

A: IA did

Q: What if someone want me to delete meme watermark?

A:You’ll be the watermark remover

self answer: No one ever liked to ask a pre-teen

So basically you downloaded my meme then you removed the watermark and reposted it?

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Yes, but I posted as a reply to you lol


A: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DULeDlxa3gyc&ved=2ahUKEwjatJ6f-6PoAhULzjgGHZTVCzwQwqsBMAl6BAgEEAQ&usg=AOvVaw0KHNfQTZBZjy26LGuQn6u0

A:My friend M is coming.

Q: What if your friend is half of you?