Weapons Concepts

Maybe when Asteroid Gun get larger asteroid at higher power levels the larger asteroid can break up into small asteroids upon collision with the chicken.This machanic might be similar to the debris in the debris level in chicken invaders 4.


I was also thinking about it. But, I forgot to mention it.

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i think it is rly good

I like the idea, but what would its ſtrengths and weakneſſes be? How quickly would the bubbles fire? Would they pop on impact? Knowing theſe details will make the concept more concrete, helping people to viſualize and judge it better.


With each firepower collected, the weapon will have a faster rate of fire. On firepower 0, the weapon will shoot about 3 or 5 bubbles, so with each firepower captured, the weapon will have more bubbles and will have faster rate of fire. (Around firepower 20 weapons will be fast like Boron Railgun and will release 10 bubbles.) Yes, the bubbles will pop out when they touch the chicken. I also want to add that this was my second concept and I was a little stressed out.

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I really like this weapon idea of yours. I hope that it’ll be in game :wink:


it will be super amaazing get it

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sounds great i mean loll

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Me too, I can’t wait for it.

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