WEapon:Ion Blaster Mk II

no this reply wasn’t aimed at you, and secondly, CI never had burst fire but im just saying it would be an idea for the Mk II, plus, single fire would be a waste of time because you wont clear the wave as possible thats why? i apologize if my post was offensive to you.

Well, the fact that you weren’t talking to me would explain a lot!

No, it waſn’t offenſive in any way, juſt confuſing and hard to underſtand, hence my ſuggeſtion the proofreading might be a good thing. Of courſe, the irony is that after writing that ſecond ſentence I looked up and ſaw that in my laſt poſt I accidentally wrote “replay” inſtead of “reply”. Oops. I’ll fix that.

No Worries! so maybe whats better?

for the Mark II should it be like more futuristic or more original?

And why do not you make a whole new weapon. Something, that has not been present or reminded in the game so far.