Wave Honing Operation - Part 3: The Magic Flute and The Weakest Link

Oh, this?

This iſn’t quite true in my experiënce; I don’t think that the points are worth the ſpecial weapons.
Still, that beïng ſaid, I rarely win the competitions.

I’m saying this from the perspective of people like emerald and me. We always do it. And it always makes a huge difference. There was one challenge where I did it but emerald didn’t bother with bird-flu guns and ended up being behind me by at least 1 million points on all dailies from that day.(this was the first time I did it,too. And emerald simply didn’t think of it at the time.)

Huh. Go figure. Maybe I ſhould too… Thanks!

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Currently the barriers have a lot of hitpoints, but not by chance. You can’t break them which makes you feel that you are in a maze, where you can’t cheat.

On the other hand, I support your ideas.


Yes,you can. In fact,if difficulty is low enough,you can destroy all of them.

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