WASD or Mouse?

I would like to know who plays the keyboard and who uses a computer mouse. It seems to me that keyboard is almost 50% of all my lost lives when I just do not have time to slow down or move too sharply. Buttons, on the other hand, clearly help to better control the ship, moving it faster.

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I use mouse, although I should probably at least try keyboard with a bomber (especially with the legendary speed changes 0.41 brought)

I am too lazy to connect a mouse, and the touchpad does not meet my requirements. In truth, I was always always for the keyboard, and not for the mouse) But sometimes, in case of an attack of the chicken “Planet” or “Chicken Emperor” at high levels of complexity, just needs to adjust its position.

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I recommend you use a mouse, because it’s easier to control(and you’ll have a better chance surviving bullet hell waves like egg cannon cannon cannon cannonade)

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Bruh use a gamepad


But a mouse can be annoying sometimes, if you turn on capture mouse, your spacecraft can warp to the center of the screen

That’s why I turn it off.

idk you can use gamepad or keyboard. i use mouse to play.

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You can make a poll so the results would be more visible.

I also use a mouse only.

The only exception was old version of Chicken Invaders 2 where keyboard was working better than mouse.


Or, someone else could. :wink:

  • Mouse
  • Touchpad
  • Keyboard
  • Gamepad
  • Various
  • Other
0 voters

Fun fact: I use keyboard because my mouse is so badly :stuck_out_tongue:

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I use a keyboard because the first time I was exposed to CI,I was playing on a laptop,and I played with a keyboard and never let it go since then.


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