Update The Site's Theme

the site https://chickeninvaders.com

Is not updated to the current halloween theme.

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Because ‘‘what even is the point of doing so?’’.


That’s like saying what’s the point of changing the whole theme game to Halloween then?

It’s really up to IA though.

I highly doubt IA would approve that idea.

look man i really don’t want to go through the hassle of changing everything in the site to just revert it to the previous version at the end of the month. even if i somehow convince myself to do it, no one would care anyways, people rarely ever visits the site.


Me visiting the site repeatedly until CIU mobile is released


Well then what is the point of using the Network tab? You can just turn on DMZ.

The game needs to have advertising clutch at all times, not specialty things catered to existing customers.

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