Unofficial CI4U Leaderboards

Decent run using muller

I find it funny how I’m the only one with a official (on Live) sub 40 minute run.

Gameplay videos:


Using BX-9, died only once
Gameplay video:

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Welcome back!

Also, the font is pretty cool and nice score

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Not bad

Almost 35M base
108.7M in Virtuoso

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It can be a mod (I guess)
Also, if you want to request a new mod, contact to RainbowBoyVN for more information

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Play CI4U on mobile with BX-9.


Yall are so good! Like everybody score is mind blowing!
Am i the only noob here?

Ignoring the skill setting, it was terrible. I died over thrice as many times than my first attempt, most of them being mid-game waves, twice at Alien Mothership, and a few end-game waves, and once at the Egg Cannon. I partly blame this on – to put it mildly – the office mouse I had to borrow from my roommate, but it was mostly skill issue. I guess I’ll stick with lower difficulty levels.

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5th attempt

Died 8 times

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Bro everyone score is 4 parallel universe ahead of me!:moyai:

And yes i just found the buried moai emoji.:moyai::moyai::moyai:

Good, now try clicking shift+enter and use the “Quote” feature instead of making unlimited replies for each comment…

It’s a bit annoying…

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Managed to racked up 135-140fp (daied at W120 and lost 20fp)

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Daied 6 times (could have gone better)

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Finally did a “perfect” run (No Overheating, dying, using satellites or specials) on my third try. I breezed through Wheel of Fortune, but I DC’d once against the Egg Cannon, since I cornered myself at 40%.

Now, I can rest easy until CI3U arrives.


Now i died many times

But i still have a FInal score that better than for a little.

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