Ultimate Galactic Celebration, Early access ends[The game is on....]

iA isn’t sure if he’d make another episode or not. And CIU will likely have no end. And will probably take enemies and bosses from any upcoming episodes.

And if they add credits, then let them add the name of the game or a separate button after it.

Guys, there are two days left! :smiley:

This could be a good idea.

One day!

EA dead by IA I think so maybe goodbye EA

Today! :smiley:

Early access ended

But i am still reciving this screen.

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Maybe we should wait for the update to come out.

It has happened, chicken invaders universe is completely ready!!! :smiley::exploding_head:

After 4 years… it’s finally out…

:grinning: :grinning: :grinning:

Downloading the game

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