The fitting Korean (or other non-Latin language) font suggestion

Hello, everyone! My name is Dongjun Lee, and one of the contributor of Korean Translation.

I’m writing this because CIU with non-Latin font looks so bland, and I’m asking you what font fits the most in this game.

“Rope Sans” font is used for Latin language in this game. But, if the language doesn’t use any Latins, the game shows with default OS font. In the case of Korean, the default font is “Malgun Gothic”.

(How Malgun Gothic looks like below:)

But, this fonts looks somewhat bland, so I’d like to ask IA to set Korean Language font with something but Malgun Gothic. And I’ve been looking the font on the Internet. (Don’t worry. The font found by me will be commercially available, to avoid copyright problems.)

The following is my recommendation. Look well and choose one. If you cannot choose, Comment the font name.

  1. Noto Sans Korean
  2. Nexon Lv. 2 Gothic
  3. MICE Gothic
  4. Nexon Football Gothic
  5. KBIZ Hanmaeum Gothic

And I’m taking the non-Korean but non-Latin language font. Please comment the font name and link!

Last time I tried to mod NotoSans to the game, the game itself didn’t really like it (aside from the fact that it can’t even eat .otf no matter what font I tried). Thinking about it again now, I’m pretty sure it’s FontForge’s own issue when fusing several fonts together.

Does this look good enough?


That looks good. If you could, apply some other fonts. Thank you.

NEXON Football Gothic

FiraSans to - Google Drive

NEXON Lv2 Gothic

FiraSans to NEXON Lv2 - Google Drive

MICE Gothic requires me to fill some forms up which I don’t really wish to do.
Noto Sans is .otf, therefore is not really moddable.

Next time make the poll one option only.


(Poll Edit)

  • Noto Sans Korean
  • Nexon Lv. 2 Gothic
  • MICE Gothic
  • Nexon Football Gothic
  • KBIZ Hanmaeum Gothic

0 voters

Both are good-looking and fitting. Anyway, thanks!
Is there any guide for how to use that ‘Fontforge’ thing? I could do it my own if to do so…

FontForge is an open source java application for editing font files, and I honestly don’t know if there are any tutorials for it. My knowledge comes from blindly using some options and understanding what they do.

Okay then. Thank you!

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