Tell us your memories about chicken invaders and your childhood!

ok but i have one last recipe to share


This is just setting a bad example to the younger forum users. Keep shitposts like this to the discord servers, it’s only adding to the pollution of the forum.


But I send the audio or video file. It says either gif or photo.

Put the link of audio file or YouTube link or any video link only. It’s not uploadable from this forum itself.

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show me !please!

I can’t explain easier anymore. :man_facepalming:

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send the photo and tell me .

Hi . Here is a place to share your memories of childhood. Tell funny memories - or memories of yourself and chicken invaders games - or your most memorable memories. The road is open and the road is long. We love memories!

“Having expectations is bad”
Not having them:

Let me share a memory (from the old days of chicken invaders 4) when I was a kid who was 3 or 4 years old. I have a lot of memories with chicken invaders 4. Every time there was Eid-e-Norooz (New Year Eid for Muslims (Iran is a Muslim country.) This Eid is in spring and the first of April is the beginning of the new year. It is spring.) At Christmas, an artificial or real pine tree is adorned with all the gifts below, and Santa and Nowruz with Uncle Nowruz and Haftsin tablecloth, which has: apple, garlic, vinegar, coin, semno, green, sumac, elm, mirror, colored egg, and candle. It is the Qur’an



At that time, we were dancing and laughing and rejoicing as a family, but one of the charms of Eid was: chicken invaders 4 versions of Easter!
Those times when I was with the computer, we played it every time. (I used to play this game as a family !: My parents _my older sister and brother!

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tell me us:

your a diary

what the shit man why did you turn me into a book


What do you mean . I told everyone to share a memory every day!

how much memory do you want? 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 GB of RAM or more?


Can I get 1TB of ram?

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that will be 500k keys

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it will transfer to your account
estimated time to arrive:666 years