Super massive black hole! Level suggestion

Also hes account has mustve been used by his immature friend.

He should be permabanned. He also message me (i think you know what he write…). Its sad that he seeks for attention in an internet forum like this.


Yeah,we get that. It’s not just about removing his posts,I messaged them so that they can ban this guy.


I agree @Nikito. He swears a lot which is against the Terms of Service.

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Great now he ruined my suggestion topic… I’m sick of that kid

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I know right???

he will be banned then return with 37 alts which will also all be banned and then return via lithuanian vpn which will also be banned

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Once the problem’s ſolved, I’d ſuggeſt repeating your idea in a new thread and add what other people reſponded at the end.

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He did same thing on my gun idea

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Since he got banned, the problem is completly solved again.