Steam: Original games 2-3-4-5 BETA

There has recently been a very serious bug fixed in the original CI games on Steam that would prevent from progress from being saved if your Steam name started with certain emoji (see [BUG] [Manual workaround] Can't select difficulty in Steam versions of CI3, CI4, and CI5 - #2 by InterAction_studios )

Because this is a dangerous change after so many years, I am going through a limited BETA release first.

If you have already opted in the Episodes BETA, this is the same channel and you’ll automatically receive this update, too. Otherwise, follow the instructions below to join.

:warning: Recall that this is an update for the original games, not the Episodes.

If you have the Christmas/Easter/Thanksgiving/Halloween DLC, please test that as well.

To join the BETA

  1. Restart Steam (to receive the latest changes).

  2. Right-click CI2-3-4-5 in your Library (alternatively, click the :gear: icon on the game’s page) and select Properties.

  3. Select the Betas tab.

  4. Under “Beta Participation”, select episode_beta.

  5. Close the window and start the game. From the launch options that appear, select Play Chicken Invaders 2-3-4-5.


This bug is only effect to Steam version (original game), not the Stand-alone version (original games) right?
And speaking about that, are you still keep your eyes in those original games? From: Stand-alone version (they download those from different link/website) and App store (no CH Play because of being removed).

Right. Only Steam is affected.

Yes. The IA website has already been updated, Steam updated, Android is next, and after that iOS. Only the Mac update is uncertain at this point.


But I bought the third part. Android will soon release trial versions to buy the full version and continue playing ciu What about the parts? The parts you purchased in Android cannot be replaced

There’s nothing I can do about the old Android versions. Blame Google.