Is it me or cutscene/title fonts are bigger now? (I don’t see any related changelogs)
Possiblly. The relevant changelog entry is “Reworked font sizing”
Generally, I believe I tried to match the font size of the original episodes, but I might have missed something. If you notice a difference, let me know.
You are comparing v.152 to v.20. This has been already fixed in v.152/v.21 (the v.21 BETA will be released soon).
Allright sorry if I ask something stupid, but the last time I read anything about it it was too long ago. So for the episodes thing, is there a way to use the license from the standalone version, or it has to be all exclusive on Steam? I don’t have neither the episodes nor CIU on Steam, all standalone.
Yes, just redownload the game (should be included ciep) → go into account → type both email (your ciu account) and authorization code.
If you are referring to transfer the episode into ciu then it works with both methods so far.
i suggest you go with steam method because it’s way easy and simple than standalone which is it will ask you the authorization code that did provide you after purchase an episode instead of only your email in steam versions.
for instance the original games are still sale on steam with an
discount if you really want to get it the episodes than the developer’s site.
Well I sent an email to recover my authorization code, as I never saved in 2021 cos I never expected to need them again. Thanks for the help guys
And no I won’t buy the games again on Steam.
I would be not understanding how to link those games. I’ve got my auth key from IA, but I don’t understand where would I use that in CIU.
EDIT: okay I figured it out, it’s another download. I’m stoopid.