This is the BETA for the new episodic format of Chicken Invaders 5 on Steam.
To join the BETA
Restart Steam (to receive the latest CI5 changes).
Right-click Chicken Invaders 5 in your Library (alternatively, click the icon on the game’s page) and select Properties.
Select the Betas tab.
Under “Beta Participation”, select episode_beta.
Close the window and start the game. From the launch options that appear, select Episode 5.
To export your CI5 purchase to CIU
You must already have a CIU account, and that account must be associated with an e-mail.
You must own CI5 on Steam yourself (that is, CI5 must be purchased under the same Steam account that you’ve used to log in to Steam). Steam Cafe or Family sharing do not count as owning the game.
At the main menu, select Options then Accounts.
Select Export Purchase.
Enter your CIU account e-mail and click Submit.
Desktop shortcut
The desktop shortcut that Steam creates can only start the game using the default launch option. Sadly, there is no way to launch the Episode directly, however you can force the launch options to be displayed each time the shortcut is clicked.
Right-click on your desktop shortcut, and select Properties. Replace the URL field with this: steam://launch/353090/dialog