Squadron job board

you are right…

They just have to put it there, can’t remember why exactly. It’s fine, so long as users behave.


Except when they don’t. Which is a lot.

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:cry: :cry: :cry:

They barely did anything, though. I think you should look at yourself, instead. You seem to start drama for every little thing(and often escalate it or offend the other person…). Chill, man.


To be fair, I do get overboard a lot but that whole medo matter which I feel like you think that I love drama was because he actually personally spammed mine and some others (whom i cant name for now at least) DMs, publicly mocking us, and being overall crap piles. i still agree with you, I’ll try and lessen my outbursts a bit.

I wasn’t really saying that about Tamim, I was saying that about some other users whom again, I won’t name.

Ok, i’ll accept it when i playing CIU.

I hope i wasn’t missunderstand again :upside_down_face:

ok…but when you play

From Furret & Co. squadron leader: I won’t be able play the game for a while probably until a new version come up, so I won’t be able to assign missions.

Be patient

To all of my squadron “Fryer resistance” im sorry if i can’t assign mission much. Because my ship is currenly out of fuel and now i have to move it on my own.

This is just scenario

no problem :slightly_smiling_face:

Hey, since you are here do you want to join my squadron? (i still have 1 slot left.)

are you like squak block mission??

yes. i do.
(Will reply later)

yes.i join your squadron.now i’m online

Done. but sorry no mission because you know.

where is you sq. ass. mission?? i dont appear. :face_with_monocle: :face_with_monocle:

Uh, wrong section. Check it in squadron button, which is here:

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why you deleted my squadron?