Special missions in the New Galaxies

Exploring the entire galaxy is quite a chore and takes a long time, so why explore other galaxies?

These galaxies are to be explored in a different way than now, and I would like to introduce them.

I would like to add that I would like to add here a few ideas that a large part of the forum asked for to be added to the game.

And now to the point:

You can find the new galaxies option in the menu

When you press, you will be teleported to one of these galaxies

A galaxy badge will appear next to your score, indicating that the score from there is separate from your main score (concept with adding a separate global scoreboard (so that you cannot pin points to this galaxy, which would result in ignoring the current galaxy in the sense of playing only on it.))

Order to unlock the next stages of exploration, you must have a demanding rank.

And here I would like to weave the idea of ​​increasing ranks (idea from forum).

The minimum account level for exploring these galaxies is LVL 9 and the next stages are unlocked every 10 levels.

And now something about the constellations:

  • You are teleported to the first constellation, and more precisely to ours.
    (Yes. I thought it would be interesting to involvement our solar system in here as the beginning of the outlet.)

  • Each planet has only one task to complete and these are mainly challenges from the daily missions. (I’ve been thinking a bit about adding my own challenges like: Complete a level in time or Complete a mission using only one weapon, but now I can’t think of anything T_T)

  • I think an interesting concept here would be to add exploration missions from CI5 right here (if ever they were to be added) (another idea from forum).

When you complete all the quests, you’ll be able to fly to the next galaxy. (and again probably an idea from the forum (my creativity normally went out of scale :worried:))

  • You must have a minimum rank of LVL 99 (currently the highest) to be able to fly to it

  • Each rank in the galaxy is increased by 100 levels up until the end (i.e. to 999 LVL (wait … then what score do you need to have that rank?)) (Write what you would like the maximum level in CIU)

here is the plan for unlocking the galaxies:
1- (9 lvl - 89 lvl)
2- (99 lvl - 189lvl)
3- (199 lvl - 289 lvl)
4- (299 lvl - 399 lvl) (probably enough levels at the moment)

What do you think about this idea?
  • Perfect :heart_eyes:
  • Something special is missing :thinking:(write in the comment)
  • Such average ㄟ😐ㄏ
  • Weak :-1:

0 voters


This idea is suggested many times before but yeah, still cool


wowwww i want this idea hopefully ia makes it


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